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Is smelling cat litter bad for pregnancy?

Is smelling cat litter bad for pregnancy?

You can change the litter box safely while you’re pregnant, but it’s better to have someone else do this chore if possible. The concern here is toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that can be transmitted through cat poop (such as in kitty litter or outdoor soil where cats have defecated).

Is it normal for a ragdoll cat to have diarrhea?

This isn’t a very pleasant topic, but it’s crucial—especially for Ragdoll owners—to be aware of whether loose stools are to be considered normal or something to worry about. Essentially, your Ragdoll cat’s diarrhea is a tell-tale sign that there is something wrong somewhere in its gastrointestinal tract.

When to go to the ER for a child with diarrhea?

“At first onset, try to encourage the child to drink as much of an oral rehydration solution or a regular diet as possible, even a few ounces every 15 to 30 minutes is good,” says Ortiz. “But if your child is persistently vomiting and can’t hold anything down, call your pediatrician or go to the ER.” Vomiting will speed up dehydration.

Is it bad to give an infant anti diarrhea?

But giving an infant or toddler one of these anti-diarrheal products can be harmful, says Benjamin Ortiz, M.D., a pediatrician in the Food and Drug Administration’s Office of Pediatric Therapeutics. “The most important aspect of treating diarrhea is knowing the signs of dehydration and taking steps to rehydrate the child,” says Ortiz.

What kind of disease does a ragdoll have?

Ragdolls, in particular, are at high risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Celiac disease. Although not life-threatening, Ragdolls with IBD and Celiac disease requires long-term dietary management. 5. Systemic and Metabolic Disorders

This isn’t a very pleasant topic, but it’s crucial—especially for Ragdoll owners—to be aware of whether loose stools are to be considered normal or something to worry about. Essentially, your Ragdoll cat’s diarrhea is a tell-tale sign that there is something wrong somewhere in its gastrointestinal tract.

When does diarrhea start in a 6 month old?

The diarrhea occurs during waking hours. Symptoms begin between 6 to 36 months old, but may last through preschool. of children are free of diarrhea by 40 months of age. A common finding is that the diarrhea often starts after a bout of gastroenteritis.

“At first onset, try to encourage the child to drink as much of an oral rehydration solution or a regular diet as possible, even a few ounces every 15 to 30 minutes is good,” says Ortiz. “But if your child is persistently vomiting and can’t hold anything down, call your pediatrician or go to the ER.” Vomiting will speed up dehydration.

Can a 11 year old cat have diarrhea?

I don’t like to see any cat suffering from diarrhea, but it can be especially difficult for senior cats (age 11 and older) to handle. When a senior cat has diarrhea, it’s most likely a sign of another ailment, such as pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism or stress.