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Can a tick bite cause IMHA?

Can a tick bite cause IMHA?

There are many blood parasites, especially tick-borne infections, that can initiate IMHA. The parasite attaches to the red blood cell and its structures are detected by the immune system.

How to determine the cause of abdominal enlargement in cats?

Affected animals typically have abdominal enlargement due to enlargement of the liver, accumulation of fat in the abdomen, and a weakened body wall. How do we determine the cause of abdominal enlargement in my cat? The search for answers starts with a complete history and physical examination.

How big is the stomach of a domestic cat?

The domestic cat’s stomach is about the size of a ping-pong ball ‘they say’. This is the equivalent of no more than a maximum of about 2 tablespoons of food at one time. Although it is flexible.

What does it mean when your cat has ascites?

When it affects the abdomen or stomach area specifically, it is referred to as ascites.

How to tell if your cat has distended stomach?

Distended belly, mid section is wide when looking at her walking, resting resp. 30-40 per min, eats fine, bathroom fine, no worms, rests way more, walking fine, she’s fixed, no weight loss, it’s not more right then left it’s perfectly round. I pick her up she’s fine with it. Hello- Differentials for a distended abdomen are numerous.

Why did my cat have a mass in his abdomen?

My 10 year old cat went to the Vet this week because he has not been eating, and has lost close to 3 pounds. They discovered a mass in his abdomen. They took blood work and said that he most likely had a tumour and they could recommend us to a specialist that could do ultrasounds or they could surgicaly open him to examn the mass.

The domestic cat’s stomach is about the size of a ping-pong ball ‘they say’. This is the equivalent of no more than a maximum of about 2 tablespoons of food at one time. Although it is flexible.

What are the symptoms of GI lymphoma in cats?

GI lymphoma occurs mostly in older cats, from 9 to 13 years of age, and is most often detected in the small intestine. The following signs and symptoms may indicate that a cat has developed this kind of cancer: Appetite loss or sudden weight loss Irritability Vomiting Diarrhea Lethargy Refusing to be touched

Is the tumor in my Cat’s stomach inoperable?

Most stomach tumors are inoperable, because they grow out of the stomach lining. But we opted for chemo, even though surgery wasn’t a choice. We figured… we could at least start it, and see how he did with the treatments and the trips. And given he did so well, we just kept going.