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Is it OK to give a kitten a flea treatment?

Is it OK to give a kitten a flea treatment?

However, virtually all effective flea treatment products contain an antiparasitic agent to kill fleas, which is not harmful to older cats but that can be too strong for young kittens, and so, this makes them inappropriate for treating tiny cats.

How many Fleas do you have on your cat?

Most of a flea problem is in the home, 50 fleas living on your cat = 1000 fleas in the home

How old is 3 week old kitten with fleas?

As far as this 3-week kitten goes, it’s been touch-and-go as the people that brought her into the clinic saw her get tossed out of a car window. This poor baby hit her face and had her lip pulled away from her jaw.

How can you tell if a kitten has fleas?

Pale gums, weakness, lethargy and rapid heartbeat are common signs of anemia in kittens or adults with a heavy flea burden. Run your fingers or a flea comb through the cat’s fur; you may spot small, fast-moving dark fleas.

What happens if you get fleas on your cat?

Warnings If your cat has fleas, you’re at risk for being bitten by fleas. Fleas can cause blood-loss anemia, especially in kittens, and spread diseases, including typhus-like Rickettsia and Bartonella. They also spread tapeworms and cause skin irritation. Flea pupae can remain dormant for several months.

When to use flea products on a kitten?

Most flea products are toxic to very young kittens and cannot be used until 6-8 weeks. A flea infestation isn’t always evident, especially if the cat has a dark coat or the flea population is low. Cats with a heavy infestation or pale coats are easier to diagnose fleas.

What kind of fleas are found on cats?

The most common flea that is found on cats is Ctenocephalides felis. Cat fleas love and thrive in warm, humid climates, like on living bodies.

Can a kitten still have fleas after Revolution?

STILL Have Fleas After Revolution Treatment! My kitten Luna had a mild case of fleas – after her first flea bath I found roughly less than 20 adult fleas on her, she was 8 weeks old. Now 2 weeks later having taken her to the vet to be treated with Revolution, I’ve still found two or three live fleas on her.

Can a 6 week old kitten have fleas?

As the flea eggs hatch from the kitten, we don’t want them to jump over on to your other pets. See Fleas: How To Kill Them and Keep Them Away if you don’t have them covered already. In conclusion, there aren’t products for kittens under 6 weeks that don’t have their consequences for something so tiny.

Why are there so many Fleas on my kittens?

Fleas are small parasitic bugs that seek a host animal, such as a kitten, and can cause severe itching, discomfort, and anemia. Because kittens’ bodies are so small, they are at a high risk of flea anemia due to the loss of blood from the fleas feeding.

How often should you bathe a kitten to get rid of fleas?

Bathing your kitten is another pretty safe and effective option to help your kitten get rid of fleas. Follow these safety tips: Don’t bathe your kitten more than twice a week, because frequent bathing can be damaging to their skin.

However, virtually all effective flea treatment products contain an antiparasitic agent to kill fleas, which is not harmful to older cats but that can be too strong for young kittens, and so, this makes them inappropriate for treating tiny cats.

As the flea eggs hatch from the kitten, we don’t want them to jump over on to your other pets. See Fleas: How To Kill Them and Keep Them Away if you don’t have them covered already. In conclusion, there aren’t products for kittens under 6 weeks that don’t have their consequences for something so tiny.

Why does my cat have a flea infestation?

A flea infestation comes about when fleas decide to take up residence in your cat’s fur and drink your feline’s blood. If you notice your cat scratching much more than usual, or in a more frantic way, there’s a chance they might have picked up fleas. Contrary to popular belief, even indoor cats can suffer from fleas.

Can a cat catch fleas from a human?

You may not be able to see flea eggs on your cat. But you may notice them on your cat’s bedding or favorite napping place. When it comes to indoor cats, allowing an outside animal into the home or a human bringing flea eggs home on their clothes are the main ways felines could catch fleas.