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What can I use instead of sand for hermit crabs?

What can I use instead of sand for hermit crabs?

To keep your hermit crabs safe, avoid sand that’s very fine or poor at retaining water. Good alternatives include all-purpose sand, beach sand, and aquarium sand. If you want to improve the water-retaining qualities of sand, you can modify it slightly.

Can you put gravel in a hermit crab tank?

It is okay to use small pebbles and gravel in certain areas of the tank, as long as they are not used as the main substrate. Potting soil could contain pesticides and other chemicals dangerous to your crabs. A lot of pet stores sell a substrate called Calci-sand, which is very healthy for the hermit crabs to eat.

Can a hermit crab molt without sand?

YES. Hermit crabs need to isolate themselves to be able to molt. They will often climb under the sand (which we recommend since it is their natural environment) or sometimes a piece of wood.

Is Play Sand OK for hermit crabs?

Sand is the substrate of choice for hermit crabs because they like to burrow down into it. Playground sand, which can be found at home improvement stores, works well and is inexpensive, though aquarium sand is fine as well.

Is Play sand OK for hermit crabs?

What should I put in my hermit crab’s tank?

Pre-mixed, hermit crab substrate. An all purpose, pet safe sand from your local hardware store. However, you should double check to make sure it is pet safe, which should be listed on the label. As a last resort, you can use play sand.

Can you put sand in a crabitat tank?

Before you put any sand (or other substrate) in the crabitat, always check for any insects or cracks in the bag. Sniff it, and if there is an odd smell, do not use it in the tank. Although most sand is washed or sterilized before it is packaged, it’s still a good idea to rinse the sand, let it dry, and bake it in the oven.

What kind of fiber to use for hermit crabs?

Cocofiber is often added to play sand to help retain humidity and moisture in the sand. The recommended ratio is 5 parts play sand to 1 part cocofiber. There are a number of companies that produce coconut fiber which is sold in compressed bricks, coarse chunks or loose in a bag. Moisten with brackish water for best results.

What kind of substrate is best for crabs?

Plenty of crab owners instead opt for a combination of sand and forest bedding (makes probably the best substrate for crabs), providing a great consistency for digging.

Pre-mixed, hermit crab substrate. An all purpose, pet safe sand from your local hardware store. However, you should double check to make sure it is pet safe, which should be listed on the label. As a last resort, you can use play sand.

Before you put any sand (or other substrate) in the crabitat, always check for any insects or cracks in the bag. Sniff it, and if there is an odd smell, do not use it in the tank. Although most sand is washed or sterilized before it is packaged, it’s still a good idea to rinse the sand, let it dry, and bake it in the oven.

Plenty of crab owners instead opt for a combination of sand and forest bedding (makes probably the best substrate for crabs), providing a great consistency for digging.

What should I put in my crabitat for crabs?

The depth of the sand should at least be enough for the crabs to fully immerse themselves in it. It should also be moist, so as you’re setting up the crabitat, add some water to make it damp, but not too watery; a “sandcastle consistency” is what you should be aiming for. 2. Forest Bedding