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What causes wet dewlap in rabbits?

What causes wet dewlap in rabbits?

Female rabbits have a heavy fold of skin on the front of the neck called a dewlap. As the rabbit drinks, this skin may become wet and soggy, which leads to inflammation. Possible causes include open water crocks and damp bedding.

Why do rabbits dribble?

The most common causes of drooling in rabbits include: Dental disease – a very common problem for pet rabbits. Toxin exposure – rabbits often drool if they’ve eaten something toxic or bitter. Ear infections – ear infections can damage the nerves around the face, which can cause drooling, a droopy face, and a head tilt.

How do you treat drooling in rabbits?

A rabbit suffering from ptyalism may need help eating or fluid replacement therapy, especially if it has severe weight loss. It is important to keep its hair and coat clean and dry. Some require tooth (or teeth) extraction or teeth trimming(s).

Is rabbit saliva harmful to humans?

The bacteria themselves are highly infectious (it only takes 10-50 bacteria to infect a person). Rabbits can occasionally be infected with Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp., which can potentially infect humans, but transmission of these pathogens from rabbits to people has not been reported.

What’s the difference between a male and female Flemish Giant rabbit?

With just one glance, you can already differentiate a male Flemish Giant Rabbit from a female Flemish Giant Rabbit, without the need to examine their genitals. Male Flemish Giant Rabbits or bucks have broader heads than the female Flemish Giant Rabbits. They can also weigh up to 22 pounds, two pounds more than their female counterparts.

How much does a Flemish Giant rabbit cost?

Flemish Giants are a healthy breed. With occasional veterinary visits and proper care, they are expected to live around eight to ten years. Flemish Giants usually cost around $20 to $50.

What should the temperature be for a Flemish Giant rabbit?

If you want to keep the Flemish Giant rabbit happy, you should provide plenty of outdoor playtime to them. Wherever you keep the rabbit cage, check the temperature of that place first because temperatures over 70 degrees Fahrenheit can be harmful to them. This breed is not so active as other rabbits’ breeds, still,…

What kind of problems does a Flemish rabbit have?

Flemish can also develop health concern common with other rabbit breeds which includes malocclusion, respiratory disease, GI stasis, and uterine cancer. Rabbits are also prone to develop back injury if they are mishandled or accidentally dropped because of their size.

How big does a Flemish Giant rabbit get?

1. THEY ARE THE LARGEST RABBIT BREED. The male Flemish Giant can weigh up to 22 pounds and the female can get up to 20 pounds. At most, they grow to be 2.5 feet long. 2. THE MALE AND FEMALE HAVE DIFFERENT HEAD SHAPES. A male rabbit (a.k.a. a buck) has a broader head than a female (doe).

Do you choose a male or female Flemish rabbit?

Whether you choose a male or female is your personal preference, but since Flemishes are big rabbits, they are not usually hyper. I would recommend a female for this breed, but there is nothing wrong with choosing a male. Also, Flemishes are nice rabbits and rarely will bite. Male or Female. *Now, to start with a Flemish can be a lot of work.

Which is better a male or female Flemish Giant?

Males- PROS: calmer, less likely to bite CONS: messier, and may try to mate with you! Whether you choose a male or female is your personal preference, but since Flemishes are big rabbits, they are not usually hyper. I would recommend a female for this breed, but there is nothing wrong with choosing a male.

What should I do with my Flemish Giant rabbit?

If you want to keep the Flemish Giant rabbit happy, you should provide plenty of outdoor playtime to them. Wherever you keep the rabbit cage, check the temperature of that place first because temperatures over 70 degrees Fahrenheit can be harmful to them.