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What does alopecia look like when it grows back?

What does alopecia look like when it grows back?

Quite often the bald patch or patches regrow hair within a few months. If hair grows back, it may not have its usual colour at first and look grey or white for a while. The usual colour eventually returns after several months. Sometimes one or more bald patches develop a few weeks after the first one.

What are the symptoms of scoliosis in adults?

Scoliosis Symptoms in Adults

  • Uneven shoulders and/or hips.
  • Bump in the lower back.
  • Numbness, weakness, or pain in the legs.
  • Trouble walking.
  • Trouble standing up straight.
  • Tired feeling.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Loss of height.

What happens if scoliosis is left untreated in adults?

If left untreated, scoliosis can worsen and have serious long-term physical and emotional complications. Severe scoliosis, where the curvature exceeds 50 degrees, can cause the spine to rotate, which can lead to decreased lung capacity and heart problems.

What are the symptoms of a thinning spinal disc?

When any or all of these problems develop, your spinal discs lose height and the ability to serve as a cushion between vertebrae. Aside from regionalized pain in the area of the spinal disc, common symptoms associated with a thinning disc include: Left untreated, it’s unlikely that symptoms will get better on their own.

How can a doctor tell if you have spine curvature?

Your doctor can diagnose a spine curvature disorder by taking a medical and family history, examining the curve of your spine during a physical examination, and using imaging tests, like X-rays, to look more closely at the spine. X-rays can show if there are any abnormalities to the bones of the spine and can also measure how much curve is present.

What causes spinal curvature in the lower back?

The following conditions can cause lordosis: Achondroplasia. A disorder in which bones do not grow normally, resulting in the short stature associated with dwarfism Spondylolisthesis. A condition in which a vertebrae, usually in the lower back, slips forward

What are the symptoms of lower back pain?

Typical symptoms include: Limited range of motion (movements such as bending forward or turning to the side may be painful or impossible) Tenderness and/or swelling in the lower right back. Lower back muscle spasms.

Your doctor can diagnose a spine curvature disorder by taking a medical and family history, examining the curve of your spine during a physical examination, and using imaging tests, like X-rays, to look more closely at the spine. X-rays can show if there are any abnormalities to the bones of the spine and can also measure how much curve is present.

The following conditions can cause lordosis: Achondroplasia. A disorder in which bones do not grow normally, resulting in the short stature associated with dwarfism Spondylolisthesis. A condition in which a vertebrae, usually in the lower back, slips forward

What does it mean if a girl has thick hair on her back?

Girl’s Back Hair Was Sign of Spine Problems. A tuft of dark hair on the back of a 3-year old girl (left) was a sign of underlying spinal abnormalities. On the right, an image of the spinal cyst and split spinal cord. A young girl’s thick back hair was actually a sign of spine problems, according to a new report of the case.

What was the girl’s back hair a sign of?

A young girl’s thick back hair was actually a sign of spine problems, according to a new report of the case. The girl, a 3-year-old living in Taiwan, was taken to the doctor for removal of a tuft of coarse hair on her lower back.