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What percentage of diabetic cats go into remission?

What percentage of diabetic cats go into remission?

One estimate states that 17 to 67% of cats experience remission after insulin therapy. Other estimates predict remission is possible in 90% of cats. The key factors in achieving remission are quick institution of insulin therapy post-diagnosis and strict adherence to a low carbohydrate diet.

What is diabetic remission?

Remission means that your blood sugar levels (also known as blood glucose levels) are below the diabetes range, usually without you needing to take any diabetes medication. Remission is when your HbA1c — a measure of long-term blood glucose levels — remains below 48mmol/mol or 6.5% for at least six months.

Does walking lower blood sugar immediately?

On average, walking dropped my blood sugar by approximately one mg/dl per minute. The largest drop I saw was 46 mg/dl in 20 minutes, more than two mg/dl per minute. Walking was also surprisingly effective: my blood sugar dropped in 83% of my tests.

Can a type 1 diabetic cat go into remission?

Cat Diabetes Remission. If the cat is affected by type 1 diabetes, the chances of remission are very low, as the cat may require insulin for life. If the cat has type 2 diabetes (often caused by obesity, a diet that is high in carbohydrates and a sedentary lifestyle), remission is possible and highly likely.

What to do if your cat has diabetes?

With the right insulin doses and a healthy diet, your cat may enter diabetic remission. To keep your cat in remission, you should help your cat stay healthy and fit through proper diet and exercise. You also need to always be wary of returning symptoms of feline diabetes. Consult your veterinarian.

What should I expect when my cat goes into remission?

If you’ve finished this article and wonder why I kept referring to cats regarding possible remission, it is because cats usually start as type 2 diabetics (non-insulin dependent diabetics). Some cats may later become type 1 (insulin dependent diabetics), but initially we have a chance of turning their diabetes around.

What happens to a diabetic cat if untreated?

The cat urinates more which makes him thirsty and he drinks more water. The common signs of diabetes include increases in appetite, water consumption, and urination, along with weight loss. If untreated, diabetes results in vomiting, dehydration, lethargy, coma, vision loss, and even death. How are cats with diabetes treated?

Can a diabetic cat go into remission?

Some cats may later become type 1 (insulin dependent diabetics), but initially we have a chance of turning their diabetes around. Dogs, unfortunately, are most often type 1 diabetics. It would be quite rare for a diabetic dog to go into remission.

Can a diabetic cat lead a normal life?

Proper diabetes care for a cat allows many patients to lead normal lives. There are certainly exceptions, and some diabetic cats have many problems — no 2 diabetics are the same. If we catch the illness early, a diabetic cat will stop drinking tons of water, have a normal amount of energy and lead a happy life. 8.

What are the pros and cons of diabetic cats?

Diabetes is more common in male cats, and the statistics show that males have a slightly better chance of reversing their diabetes. Anywhere from 30–90% of cats will return to normal with early diagnosis and treatment. 3. Better diets are helping diabetic cats live healthier lives.

Can a cat turn into a type 1 diabetic?

Some cats may later become type 1 (insulin dependent diabetics), but initially we have a chance of turning their diabetes around. Dogs, unfortunately, are most often type 1 diabetics.