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When should I take my cat to the vet for a hairball?

When should I take my cat to the vet for a hairball?

If you notice the following hairball symptoms, be sure to contact your veterinarian, as they could indicate that a hairball has caused a potentially life-threatening blockage: Ongoing vomiting, gagging, retching, or hacking without producing a hairball. Lack of appetite. Lethargy.

When does a coughing cat need veterinary attention?

When does a coughing cat need veterinary attention? It may be normal for some cats to cough occasionally. As long as the cat is maintaining good health and the cough is not productive (does not result in the production of phlegm or sputum), veterinary attention is not immediately indicated.

Why is my cat coughing and throwing up?

It is very common in cats for a cough to be followed by a vomit due to the force of the coughing. If you can describe what is happening in as much detail as possible it will help your vet differentiate between a respiratory and a digestive system problem. The following is a brief but not exhaustive list of some of the causes of coughing in cats.

What kind of cough does a cat have?

When coughing, a cat’s chest and belly movements are dramatic since a cough is a forceful push of air out. Cats will not pant or hold their mouth open wide when coughing, and coughing is not really fast—each cough will likely have at least a second or two in between. There are two types of cat coughs: a dry cough or a productive (wet) cough.

Is it normal for a cat to cough up hairballs?

Cats do cough, but not nearly as often as other animals. Retching or gagging , including “coughing up hairballs,” is often confused with a respiratory cough in cats.

When does a coughing cat need veterinary attention? It may be normal for some cats to cough occasionally. As long as the cat is maintaining good health and the cough is not productive (does not result in the production of phlegm or sputum), veterinary attention is not immediately indicated.

When coughing, a cat’s chest and belly movements are dramatic since a cough is a forceful push of air out. Cats will not pant or hold their mouth open wide when coughing, and coughing is not really fast—each cough will likely have at least a second or two in between. There are two types of cat coughs: a dry cough or a productive (wet) cough.

It is very common in cats for a cough to be followed by a vomit due to the force of the coughing. If you can describe what is happening in as much detail as possible it will help your vet differentiate between a respiratory and a digestive system problem. The following is a brief but not exhaustive list of some of the causes of coughing in cats.

Why does my cat keep coughing and sneezing?

This inflammation is often due to an infection, particularly with viruses such as Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis or bacteria such as Bordetella. Parasitic worms, especially heartworms, may be responsible for coughing and respiratory problems in some cases.