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Why do I keep throwing up and feeling nausea?

Why do I keep throwing up and feeling nausea?

Nausea and vomiting are not diseases, but rather are symptoms of many different conditions, such as infection (“stomach flu”), food poisoning, motion sickness, overeating, blocked intestine, illness, concussion or brain injury, appendicitis and migraines.

Why do I feel sick a few times a day?

This feeling can refer to nausea, catching colds often, or being run-down. A person might feel sick continuously for a few days, weeks, or months due to a lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, or a poor diet. In other cases, there may be an underlying medical disorder.

What does it mean if you get nauseous after eating?

When appearing shortly after a meal, nausea or vomiting may be caused by food poisoning, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), an ulcer, or bulimia. Nausea or vomiting one to eight hours after a meal may also indicate food poisoning.

What to do if you have nausea and vomiting?

Feeling sick (nausea) is common and usually goes away on its own. There are some things you can try that might help. If you’re also being sick (vomiting), you could become dehydrated. See what to do if you’re vomiting. Your GP can look for the cause and suggest treatments. They may prescribe anti-sickness medicine if needed.

Why do I get nausea and vomiting at night?

Although less common, cyclic vomiting syndrome is another possible cause of nausea at night that can affect both adults and children. It’s a rare disorder that causes recurrent episodes of severe nausea and vomiting. These episodes can last for a few hours or a few days.

Is it normal to feel nauseous all the time?

It is not very uncommon to experience nausea and vomiting once in a while due to acidity , motion sickness, infections, etc. But if feeling nauseous all the time or it is too bad and keeping you away from your day-to-day activities, it is time you take it seriously.

When does vomiting become a reason to worry?

Cats are creatures known for vomiting every now and then. If you’ve ever owned a cat, you know that they occasionally throw up hairballs or food. But when does vomiting become a reason to worry, and when should a cat be taken to the vet for a checkup because of vomiting?

How long does nausea and vomiting last in adults?

Vomiting lasts more than two days for adults, 24 hours for children under age 2 or 12 hours for infants You’ve had bouts of nausea and vomiting for longer than one month You’ve experienced unexplained weight loss along with nausea and vomiting

Why do I get nausea and vomiting at the same time?

Nausea and vomiting may occur separately or together. Common causes include: Chemotherapy. Gastroparesis (a condition in which the muscles of the stomach wall don’t function properly, interfering with digestion) General anesthesia. Intestinal obstruction.

Why do I keep throwing up clear liquid?

Morning sickness during pregnancy is another reason someone may vomit clear liquid. Clear vomit can be from cancer chemotherapy and other drugs that can stimulate the vomiting center of the brain. It’s also why migraine headaches, injury, and vertigo may cause vomiting.

What causes nausea and vomiting at Mayo Clinic?

By Mayo Clinic Staff. Nausea and vomiting may occur separately or together. Common causes include: Chemotherapy. Gastroparesis (a condition in which the muscles of the stomach wall don’t function properly, interfering with digestion) General anesthesia. Intestinal obstruction.