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Why do older cats get diarrhea?

Why do older cats get diarrhea?

Viral Infections – Felv, FIV, Rotavirus are viral infections often associated with Diarrhoea in cats. Systemic Illness – Liver and Kidney disease, Pancreatitis, Diabetes Mellitus and Hyperthyroidism may show signs of diarrhoea in cats. Toxins – Some plants, metal such as lead if ingested can cause diarrhoea in cats.

Do you have diarrhea when you have loose stools?

However, if you have loose stools from time to time, it doesn’t mean you have diarrhea. In order for loose stools to be considered diarrhea, they have to occur repeatedly. If you have loose stools three or more times per day, then it’s diarrhea. The most common symptoms of loose stools include:

Why do some people have loose stools more than others?

However, some people are at a higher risk of having loose stools. If you have certain chronic health problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, dumping syndrome, ulcerative colitis, hyperthyroidism, or bile acid malabsorption, then you’re more likely to have loose stools.

What are the symptoms of loose stools from IBS?

Typically these loose stools are associated with abdominal pain during bowel movements, diarrhea urgency and, at its worst, bathroom accidents ( fecal incontinence ). With these symptoms, knowing how to make your stool firmer and avoiding loose stools can improve your quality of life.

What’s the best way to get rid of loose stool?

1. Fiber! Fiber is your friend. Fiber is good for diarrhea and loose stool in general, but how well it works and which type of fiber you should lean toward will depend on your specific problem. Insoluble fiber cannot be dissolved in water and so passes through your system whole to the bowel where it adds bulk and solidity to your stool.

What causes loose stools for a long time?

Crohn disease is a long-term condition that involves the digestive tract. It occurs when the digestive system becomes inflamed which can result in loose stools. Other symptoms of the disease are: abdominal pain; blood in fecal matter; loss of appetite; weight loss; fatigue; vomiting; fever; 10. Ulcerative colitis

How often do you have to have loose stools to be diarrhea?

In order for loose stools to be considered diarrhea, they have to occur repeatedly. If you have loose stools three or more times per day, then it’s diarrhea. The most common symptoms of loose stools include: watery stools.

When to see a doctor for loose stools?

See your doctor if you experience unexplained loose stools, especially if the diarrhea is severe or worsening, or persists for longer than 4 or 5 days without improvement. This is particularly important if you are pregnant or have an existing health condition, such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.

What can be done about loose stools after eating?

Immediate treatments to stop loose stools include: Long-term treatments to stop loose stools include: Loose stools can happen after eating, or they can be chronic. They usually look soft, mushy, watery, or shapeless. There are many different causes for loose stools.