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Why do spayed female cats get fat?

Why do spayed female cats get fat?

A: Both male and female cats will gain some weight after being neutered or spayed. Neutering and spaying will cause a cat’s metabolism to slow down a bit, and may cause some of the body fat to be redistributed to other parts of the body, especially the abdomen, resulting in the notorious “abdominal fat pad.”

Why do female cats get fat?

Put simply, the reason your cat is fat is that it’s eating more calories than it’s burning off. This problem is more common among house cats because they tend to be less mobile if not stimulated properly. If your cat is leading a lazy, sedentary lifestyle, it won’t lose any weight.

Why does my cat gain so much weight after spaying?

The cause of your cat’s weight gain has to do with her being spayed. Spaying or neutering is the best way to control pet populations and help prevent various diseases. However, many studies have concluded that it can increase a cat’s appetite and slow down the cat’s metabolic rate.

How to know if your cat is overweight or obese?

(See the Muscle Condition Score chart: Cats or Dogs) Your cat is overweight if he is 10% more than the ideal weight and obese if over 20% of the ideal weight. 2.

What should I do if my kitten is overweight?

It’s been shown that cats are more likely to become overweight after spaying or neutering. We routinely recommend to decrease the amount of food after this procedure by 20-30% and to watch body condition closely, but it’s still important to keep your kitten on a diet that meets the needs of growing cats until he is at least 1 year of age. 4.

What should the average weight of a cat be?

What should a cat weigh? Though most cats should be about 7-12 lbs, the ideal weight for an individual cat depends on the size of the cat’s frame, so we focus on body condition score rather than just weight. We use a body condition scoring system to help us determine the amount of body fat an animal has.

When does a neutered cat become obese?

Obesity usually occurs in middle-aged cats, and generally in those that are between the ages of 5 and 10. Neutered and indoor cats are at the highest risk of becoming obese, due to lack of physical activity, or changes in metabolism.

How can you tell if a kitten is spayed or fixed?

Most kittens are fixed once they are three months or older and weigh at least three pounds. There are several physical signs and behaviors you can check to confirm a cat is spayed, or fixed. Note: This article applies only to female cats. If your cat is a male, refer to How to Tell if a Cat is Neutered . Look for shaved hair on the cat’s abdomen.

How old do cats have to be to be obese?

Obesity usually occurs in middle-aged cats, and generally in those that are between the ages of 5 and 10. Neutered and indoor cats are at the highest risk of becoming obese, due to lack of physical activity, or changes in metabolism. If you would like to read how obesity affects dogs, please visit this page in the PetMD health library.

What does it mean when a cat is over weight?

Excessive Weight in Cats. Obesity is a nutritional disease which is defined by an excess of body fat. Cats that are over nourished, lack the ability to exercise, or that have a tendency to retain weight are at risk for becoming obese. Obesity can result in serious adverse health effects, such as reducing the lifespan of an affected cat,…