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Why does my cat have bald spots near his ears?

Why does my cat have bald spots near his ears?

The most common cause of alopecia which veterinarians suggest is skin allergies. There are a few types of alopecia which exist. Another type of alopecia is the thinning of hair between the ears and the eyes. This type is known as preauricular alopecia and it is fairly normal in every cat.

Why is my kitten losing hair on her ears?

One of the most common types of inflammation of the external ear canal (otitis externa) in cats is otodectic mange, caused by Otodectes cynotis mites. The mites affect the skin as well as the ears, and signs include redness, partial loss of hair, itching, and general inflammation of the skin.

Why does my cat have bald spots on her ears?

Unlike a blacklight (fluorescent type) the blacklight bulb WILL get hot! Be extremely careful when using it near your cat!! The second you turn it on, take it right to the cat’s ears and look, before it has time to get too hot.

Is it normal for cats to lose hair around their ears?

Facial Alopecia is considered normal hair loss that occurs on the head between the eyes and ears. This type of hair loss appears to be more prominent in cats that have dark, short hair. Since it’s considered normal, there’s no treatment for it unless you see other signs of a skin condition that might actually be the cause of the hair loss.

Why does my cat have patches on his head?

It spreads like wildfire and can cause patches of hair loss with little rings in the middle. There can be sores on the head, ears, and front legs, but in more serious cases it can infect the cat’s whole body – aaaawww…ringworm can be acquired through touching an infected cat, or its bedding and dishes.

Why does Stewball have bald spots on his ears?

Gosh, it could be pretty much anything, from mange to hypothyroidism to frostbite to sun damage (yes, cats can get sunburned, although it’s normally more apt to happen to white cats than black cats ) And, of course, treatment depends entirely on the cause. So Stewball is correct, he may need to be seen by a Vet to get it treated.

Unlike a blacklight (fluorescent type) the blacklight bulb WILL get hot! Be extremely careful when using it near your cat!! The second you turn it on, take it right to the cat’s ears and look, before it has time to get too hot.

Facial Alopecia is considered normal hair loss that occurs on the head between the eyes and ears. This type of hair loss appears to be more prominent in cats that have dark, short hair. Since it’s considered normal, there’s no treatment for it unless you see other signs of a skin condition that might actually be the cause of the hair loss.

What does it mean when a cat has scabs on its ear?

Ear edge dermatitis is a common condition in which the cat develops crusting along the ear margins.

Why does my cat have scaly patches on his face?

Very young and older cats, as well as cats with health issues, can be more susceptible to ringworm. This fungal infection is not a pretty sight. When a cat has ringworm, you might see bald patches, crusty or scaly skin, and inflammation around the rings. If your cat has ringworm, see your veterinarian who may prescribe an anti-fungal treatment.