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Why does my dog put her ears back when she greets?

Why does my dog put her ears back when she greets?

When dogs greet each other however, it is common to see one dog maintain her natural ear posture, suggesting that she is at ease, while another dog puts their ears back, indicating the opposite. Putting the ears back in this context may be an appeasement behavior.

Why does my dog have sores on the tips of his ears?

It only affects the margins and tips of the ears. The most common cause will surprise you. There are at least four reasons why a dog can have sores on the ear margin: Any ear tip injury that keeps being damaged by head shaking will heal slowly or not at all. Ear Infections commonly lead to damage to the ear.

What kind of ear infection does my dog have?

Otitis media: This is inflammation or infection of the middle ear structures. 16% of dogs with otitis externa will have otitis media. And it’s also a problem in more than 50% of dogs who have chronic otitis externa. Otitis interna: This is inflammation or infection of the inner ear.

How to know if your dog is scratching your ears?

1 Intense scratching till bleeding. 2 Smelly dog ears accompanying the itch. 3 Bloody, yellow or brown ear discharge. 4 Scabs and crusts in the ear. 5 Hair loss and raw flesh around the ears. 6 Shaking or tilting of the head while scratching. 7 Loss of balance and coordination. 8 Hearing loss. 9 Crying, whining and licking as they scratch.

What causes round sores on the skin of a dog?

Dog Fungal Skin Infections Blastomycosis is a fungal infection that causes dog skin sores. It is a systemic infection that causes respiratory problems, a reluctance to walk, generalized weakness, a poor appetite, and even blindness. One of the first signs of the illness, however, is round, oozing sores on the skin.

It only affects the margins and tips of the ears. The most common cause will surprise you. There are at least four reasons why a dog can have sores on the ear margin: Any ear tip injury that keeps being damaged by head shaking will heal slowly or not at all. Ear Infections commonly lead to damage to the ear.

Can a dog have an ear infection with no symptoms?

Some dogs show no symptoms of ear infection aside from a buildup of wax and discharge in the ear canal. But ear infections often cause significant discomfort and affected dogs may show signs such as: What Causes Ear Infections in Dogs?

How to spot and treat ear problems in dogs?

Top 10 Dog Ear Problems: How to Spot and Treat Them 1 Repeated Ear Infections in Dogs. 2 Dog Ear Problems & Allergies. 3 Smelly Ears (Yeast) 4 Ear Mites in Dogs. 5 Wax Build-up. 6 Water in Ears – Dogs With Swimmers Ear. 7 Extra Hairy Or Heavy Ears. 8 Plucking Ears. 9 Foreign Matter/Debris in Ears. 10 Ear Hematoma.

What does it mean when your dog’s ears are red?

This is the medical term for ear inflammation involving the ear flap and ear canal, but not the inner or middle ear. People call it an ear infection, but allergies , not bacteria or yeast, are almost always the underlying cause of red ears in dogs.