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Will cats drink anti freeze?

Will cats drink anti freeze?

Sadly, cats only need to drink a teaspoon of antifreeze to receive a lethal dose. This means that all spillages, no matter how small, should be cleaned up quickly and thoroughly.

Is it dangerous for a cat to drink antifreeze?

Sadly, antifreeze is hugely toxic to cats, and every year cats across Britain are seriously ill or die from antifreeze poisoning. Why would my cat drink antifreeze?

Why do cats like the taste of antifreeze?

One big issue with antifreeze is the fact that it does seem to be attractive to cats. It has a sweet taste which makes it appealing to dogs (and children) but, as you may know, cats can’t actually taste “sweet”. None-the-less they still appear to be attracted by the taste of antifreeze.

Are there any substances that are poisonous to cats?

However, there are many substances within the home which are potentially poisonous to cats.

What causes a dog to get antifreeze poisoning?

Antifreeze poisoning in dogs typicallys occur when ethylene glycol, one of the main ingredients in antifreeze, leaks from car radiators or screen wash containers.

Is it safe for a cat to drink antifreeze?

For cats, antifreeze has a sweet taste, which encourages them to drink a lot of it. Unfortunately, a substance known as ethylene glycol, which is found in antifreeze, can be lethal to cats in very small doses. How Do Cats Gain Access to Antifreeze?

Can a dog get into an antifreeze liquid?

Antifreeze poisoning is commonly seen in curious dogs that get into the liquid by accident, but it also is toxic to cats.

What are the symptoms of antifreeze poisoning in cats?

Stage 1 starts as early as 30 minutes after consuming the poison and lasts up to about 12 hours post ingestion. It is characterised by nervous signs including incoordination, wobbliness, disorientation and mental depression. You are also likely to get vomiting alongside an increase in thirst and urination.

One big issue with antifreeze is the fact that it does seem to be attractive to cats. It has a sweet taste which makes it appealing to dogs (and children) but, as you may know, cats can’t actually taste “sweet”. None-the-less they still appear to be attracted by the taste of antifreeze.