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Will my kitten hate me after spaying?

Will my kitten hate me after spaying?

They will not hate you, but you need to keep them contained at least 2 days (females) after they get spayed, and 24 hrs for males. Before you release them back to the barn, put out big bowls of wet food for them, that just keeps them from roaming.

When is the right time to spay or neuter a kitten?

If you decide to adopt a kitten, you will need to decide when to spay or neuter it. If you get your kitten spayed or neutered when it is too young, it can negatively affect the cat. However, if you spay or neuter your kitten too late, you can miss out on some of the benefits that spaying and neutering can provide.

What happens if you spay a kitten too young?

If you get your kitten spayed or neutered when it is too young, it can negatively affect the cat. However, if you spay or neuter your kitten too late, you can miss out on some of the benefits that spaying and neutering can provide.

When is the best time to get a kitten fixed?

Wait until your kitten is several months old. There is some debate about when cats should be fixed. Some experts suggest getting a kitten spayed or neutered when the cat is as young as two months old.

What does it mean when a cat is spayed?

In the case of females, they are spayed to avoid reproduction, which generally leads to an increasing number of abandoned cats. In the case of males, the process is called neutering and is generally used to reduce the cat’s aggressiveness, territorial instinct and certain other conducts.

When is the best time to spay or neuter a kitten?

There is debate among veterinarians about the time to spay/neuter your cat. There are three different times in which you “can” spay a kitten. First, Early or pediatric spay/neuter is done at six to eight weeks of age. Second, Standard spay and neuter at five to six months.

How long does it take for kittens to rebound after spaying?

Cats typically rebound in a day or two after this routine surgery. All my cats were fixed as kittens, and the females definitely took a their time getting around and back to normal that first day. Also keep in mind that the hormonal changes do not happen overnight, Delgado says.

If you get your kitten spayed or neutered when it is too young, it can negatively affect the cat. However, if you spay or neuter your kitten too late, you can miss out on some of the benefits that spaying and neutering can provide.

What to do with a spayed Kitten after surgery?

Physical Activity. Try to prevent your newly spayed kitten from exerting herself much in the immediate days after the surgery. No exertion means no jumping or chasing, or anything in between. Your kitty must have time to heal, and sutures must not be disturbed.