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Can FIV-positive cats transmit to humans?

Can FIV-positive cats transmit to humans?

Human health concerns Although FIV is similar to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and causes a feline disease similar to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans, it is a highly species-specific virus that infects only felines. There is currently no evidence that FIV can infect or cause disease in humans.

Can FIV-positive cats live a long life?

Cats infected with FIV may live for months or years. On average, life expectancy is 5 years from the time of diagnosis depending on how active the infection is. There is a FIV vaccination given twice initially, then yearly thereafter for outside cats or cats exposed to outside cats due to the potential of cat bites.

Is FIV-positive contagious?

FIV is only contagious among cats and difficult to transmit. It is also slow-acting, so cats generally do not show any symptoms until years after being infected.

Can A FIV positive cat be adopted with a positive cat?

Although FIV isn’t easily transmitted between cats (only through deep bites and not via sharing food and other normal interaction), the risk means that a FIV positive cat should be adopted into a single cat household only.

What should I do if my cat has FIV?

Nutrition is important for all cats, FIV positive or not, along with limiting as best as you can their exposure to potential pathogens, which can extend an already long life. While the VBSPCA promotes indoor living for cats, it is especially necessary for FIV positive cats to be kept indoors, where their immune system will be less exposed.

Can A FIV positive cat share a food bowl?

One of the most damaging myths about FIV-positive cats is that saliva can transfer the virus and therefore sharing the same water bowls, food bowls, and licking each other can cause the virus to pass from cat to cat.

Is it safe to adopt a FIV positive cat?

However, new research has shown that FIV-positive cats are in fact very adoptable, and can live the same lifespan as an FIV-negative cat. This research has also debunked the myth that FIV- positive cats cannot safely live with non- infected cats.

When to euthanize a cat with FIV positive?

An FIV-positive test does not require euthanasia unless the cat is already ill and suffering beyond treatment. If the initial ELISA test is negative but you believe the cat was exposed to FIV, you can have the test redone after 60 days for a more accurate result.

When does a FIV test show a false positive?

False-positives are when the test show a cat as positive for FIV but they are not. Many shelters, unaware of these test errors, use these tests results and label a cat as ‘FIV’ which in some shelter means a death sentence. Estimates of the magnitude of this travesty range from 20% to 32%. * But the problem is bigger yet.

What does it mean when a cat has FIV?

Being FIV-positive means that the cat has antibodies that have been exposed to the virus, although it can take years, if ever, before the cat develops any FIV infection and clinical signs referred to as Feline AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome of Cats). If a cat has FIV, it does not necessarily have Feline AIDS. How is FIV transmitted?