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Do barn cats make good house pets?

Do barn cats make good house pets?

These cats are often not suited to indoor family life but benefit from family resources and community care, allowing them to comfortably live out their lives in a safe environment. And, to be sure, community cats and barn cats can be equally beneficial to the neighborhood in which they reside.

How do you bring a barn cat home?


  1. Have a large crate set up in your barn or shelter that you want them to claim as home.
  2. Keep them in this large crate for about 10-14 days ( if possible) with plenty of food and water plus a litter box.
  3. After two weeks or so open the crate so they can roam around.

Is it easy to rehome a barn cat?

Rehoming Barn Cats Relocating feral and outdoor cats is not as easy as physically placing them in their new outdoor home. Cats are very territorial, and if you simply place them in a new location, they will try to find their way back to where they came from, often times killing themselves in the process.

What to do with a feral cat in a barn?

Place the cat in a large cage or kennel within the building they will be calling home. Give the cat a small towel lined carrier with the door held open with a small bungee cord, food and water, and a litter box.

What kind of cats live in a barn?

Most barn cats are usually stray or orphaned cats that have nowhere else to live. Yet, if you give them a home in your barn or around your homestead, then these cats now have a place to call home and a purpose.

Where to keep a kitten in a barn?

If you have a free animal stall with tall walls, that might be the perfect place to keep your kitty. About the time it takes for the kitten to figure out how to get out of the stall, it’s probably ready to explore. If you don’t have a stall or building that will contain the cat, put the cat in a large crate to contain it.

Rehoming Barn Cats Relocating feral and outdoor cats is not as easy as physically placing them in their new outdoor home. Cats are very territorial, and if you simply place them in a new location, they will try to find their way back to where they came from, often times killing themselves in the process.

Where do barn cats go in the barn?

Assuming that you actually have a barn on your farm, the barn cats will do just fine curling up in a corner during cold or bad weather. Our cats find lots of creative spots to take refuge or sneak in a cat nap.

How many barn cats do you have on a farm?

If you have a farm or a homestead, odds are good that you have barn cats, whether you planned to have them or not. When we bought our homestead, there were 15 resident cats, according to my daughter’s count. She quickly gave all of them names, and then they started disappearing or dying.

Can a barn kitten be a project Pet?

Males can be, especially, aggressive and messy if they aren’t neutered as soon as they are old enough. It’s true, barn kittens may be project pets in the beginning. They come with a lot more responsibility than buying a bag of cat food and bringing them home.