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Is it normal for a cat to cry out in pain?

Is it normal for a cat to cry out in pain?

In the feline world, complaining gets you nowhere, and showing signs of weakness can get you killed. Sure, some cats in pain will cry out, but if you see a cat crying out in pain, the problem is likely very severe indeed.

Why does my cat have pain in her abdomen?

Since the abdomen lies between the pelvis and the chest, a number of organs can be the culprit behind their pain. Protect yourself and your pet. Compare top pet insurance plans.

Why does my cat cry when I rub her back?

Her back may appear to twitch. If she has hyperesthesia, you’ll normally hear your kitty react with a chorus of cries no matter where along her back you touch her, but because her chewing and gnawing at her skin is more common in the lower back and can lead to lesions, that area may be more painful.

Why does my cat cry when I stroke her back?

The condition causes a feline’s skin to feel extremely sensitive and causes your cat to do some funky things. They include ripping out her own hair, especially near her lower back and tail region; reacting to your stroking with loud or irritated cries; and delivering a fury of paw swipes toward your hand on her back or worse.

Since the abdomen lies between the pelvis and the chest, a number of organs can be the culprit behind their pain. Protect yourself and your pet. Compare top pet insurance plans.

Her back may appear to twitch. If she has hyperesthesia, you’ll normally hear your kitty react with a chorus of cries no matter where along her back you touch her, but because her chewing and gnawing at her skin is more common in the lower back and can lead to lesions, that area may be more painful.

What does it mean when a cat lays on its stomach?

A cat may also lie on its stomach with the paws outstretched. This can resemble the flying position. If the cat’s paws are divided, it is just ensuring it can move quickly. As the paws are not tucked, the cat can quickly escape if threatened. This may suggest that the cat feels vulnerable due to sickness.

Why does my 18 year old cat have a lump in her stomach?

My 18-year-old cat has developed a lump in her stomach she’s not eating or drinking or going to the bathroom at all. She cries when touched or she’s picked up. I took her to the vet two weeks ago they did an x-ray and said there was nothing wrong but the other night I went to give her a bath and found a mass in her stomach.

What happens when a cat is in pain?

As previously mentioned, a painful cat won’t want to be touched and this often leads to aggression.

Can a cat that is in pain eat?

Speaking of food, it’s true that some cats in pain will either stop eating, or not eat as much as normal. But not every cat will respond this way because in the wild, a cat that doesn’t eat will die so if they are able to eat despite even very significant pain, they often will. A cat in pain will often hide from you.

How to tell if your cat is dying of old age?

Telltale Signs an Old Cat Is Dying 1 Indications a Cat Is Dying of Old Age. According to the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine,… 2 Signs of Death for Specific Diseases. Geriatric cats can die from several types… 3 Treatment Considerations. The severity of your cat’s symptoms will increase during… 4 The Aging Cat. When a cat ages,…

Is it normal for a cat to die of old age?

Indications a Cat Is Dying of Old Age. It is not so much old age, but more typically the complications associated with failing organ systems, that kill a cat. These types of diseases are more common during the feline geriatric years. The symptoms of aging and death are similar.

What are the signs of an older cat?

Older cats frequently develop arthritis in their joints, making it harder to jump up on the back of the couch, climb the cat condo or get into and out of the litterbox. Vision and hearing loss are also common. You’ve probably already noticed an increase in catnaps, another indication that your cat is getting a little older.

How can you tell if your cat is in pain?

Cats are instinctively driven to hide suffering, so it can be hard to tell when they’re in pain. Be on the lookout for these subtle signs of a sick cat. Some of the most profoundly heartbreaking moments of my cat-caretaking life revolve around being unable to tell how much pain my beloved friends were suffering.

Is it dangerous for a cat to have muscle twitching?

It is also possible that trembling or twitching is caused by a genetic condition and is untreatable, but not dangerous. In some cases, fasciculation occurs as a symptom of another disease or disorder. Some medical conditions that cause muscle trembling can be severe and may be life-threatening.

If they are crying out in pain, their condition is likely intense and quite severe. It is not uncommon for cat owners to misunderstand their cat’s ques when it comes to displaying signs of pain. Quite often, we hear similar comments about what an owner perceives to be an odd behavior in their cat.

Why does my cat hurt when she tries to poop?

It’s also possible that she has some sudden back pain. Some cats will get a condition called lumbosacral syndrom which can cause pain when they try to poop. But it really shouldn’t cause her to be flexing like you are describing. Is there any way you could have at least an exam done?

Is it normal for a cat to poop all the time?

Your cat’s bowel movements change as he ages. Here’s what’s normal for cat poop in every stage of life! Cat Behavior Revenge Pottying – Is it a thing? I know more than I ever wanted to learn about cats and their bowel movements, thanks to my 8 ½-year-old red tabby, Jack.

Why does my cat have pain in his paw pads?

Feline plasma cell pododermatitis is a condition that affects a cat’s paw pads. As described by Veterinary Dermatology, common symptoms include swelling, lesions, and abscesses on the feet. This will make it awkward for your cat to walk, potentially leading to pain. Medication is most commonly used to reduce discomfort.

How do you know if your cat is in pain. Signs that your cat is in pain include: Agitation (unsettled, trembling) Cat crying, growling, hissing. Limping or difficulty jumping. Avoids being petted or handled.

Why does my cat hurt all the time?

For cats, pain encompasses more than just the “I hurt” sensation, but also the overall distress that it can cause. As the World Small Animal Association’s Global Pain Council puts it:

What to do if your cat is in pain?

If you think your cat is in pain, never give your cat any of your own pain medications. They can kill cats. Instead, call your veterinarian and describe the signs of pain you have noticed so they can help you figure out the best mode of treatment.

For cats, pain encompasses more than just the “I hurt” sensation, but also the overall distress that it can cause. As the World Small Animal Association’s Global Pain Council puts it:

How to take a cat with an injured leg to the vet?

Place the cat in a pet carrier while supporting the head and hips. If the carrier has a removable top, take it off and gently lower the cat into the carrier. Lay the cat down with the injured leg up. When you arrive at the veterinary clinic, leave your cat in the carrier until a technician or veterinarian can assist you.

Why is my cat limping but not in pain?

Written by Richard Parker. Cats never limp without a good reason. Even if your cat is not crying, don’t assume that it’s not masking its discomfort. In fact, some cats become accustomed to pain and no longer react. Common reasons for a cat to limp include trauma, arthritis (joint pain), and infection.

What should I do if I Hear my Cat crying?

(Cats on heat can make a pretty mournful sound when they’re ‘calling’.) Maybe try and get a closer look if you can? Just keep watching and see what else you can see. If it needs help it obviously knows you’re the right family to ask. Maybe it isn’t sad but it sounds like it. Off too Google “cats in heat”!!! Is tuna ok?

Why is my cat crying in the Conservatory?

Last night it was crying right outside the conservatory but it ran away again when I went to open the door. I left it some cooked chicken in a bowl but had to shoo away the neighbors cat that was trying to eat the food! It’s been crying on and off all morning – should I try to leave it out more food? I’ve got some tuna I could give it.

What does it mean when your cat is thirsty all the time?

Increased thirst can mean many things in cats. Most often it means there is a problem with the kidneys or urinary tract. Many owners never even see their cats drink water. So, if you start noticing your cat near the water dish more than before, it means something.

Why do cats cry at night and what does it mean?

An old superstition says that a cat crying at night outside an ill person’s home signifies their death is imminent. Cats have always been linked to witchcraft and evil spirits which probably explains how this superstition originated.

What to do if your cat is crying on YouTube?

To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. History of Words is a new animated infotainment video series that investigates the definitions, origins and history of words.

Last night it was crying right outside the conservatory but it ran away again when I went to open the door. I left it some cooked chicken in a bowl but had to shoo away the neighbors cat that was trying to eat the food! It’s been crying on and off all morning – should I try to leave it out more food? I’ve got some tuna I could give it.

Why is my cat crying at the top of the stairs?

An older cat may cry at the top of the basement stairs because the litter box is down in the basement and the cat is painful going up and down stairs. The type of box is important too.

What do you do when your cat is in pain?

When cats are crying out in pain and vocalizing—the pain is usually severe. Vocalizing can be expressed in a different meow than normal, or meowing more often than usual, or it may be just a more adamant, demanding meow seeking your attention.

Why does my cat jump all the time?

Since joint cartilage serves a vital function in the lubrication and cushioning between bones, these disorders uniformly result in progressive joint pain and stiffness. This can cause a great deal of pain every time your cat jumps. What Can You do to Manage My Cat’s Pain?

What happens if a cat can’t go to the bathroom?

If the cat is trying to go to the bathroom and not producing anything, they could have a blockage somewhere, which could be fatal if left untreated. This is especially true if the cat also seems to be in pain, like crying out while trying to go to the bathroom.

Why is my cat crying in the box?

If it is painful for your cat to climb into the box, that may initiate some crying. Be sure it is an open area with one side of the box low enough that the cat can just walk into the box.

In the feline world, complaining gets you nowhere, and showing signs of weakness can get you killed. Sure, some cats in pain will cry out, but if you see a cat crying out in pain, the problem is likely very severe indeed.

Once pain is managed, provide your cat with lower-sided litter boxes. “If a cat that has previously been consistent in using the litter box appropriately suddenly begins missing the box or eliminating in other areas of the house, pain should be considered as a potential explanation.”

Can a cat with back pain go to the litter box?

Traveling up or down a flight of stairs to get to the litter box may be too daunting a task for a cat with back or hip pain. One last altered litter box behavior linked to pain is the cat that begins to stand while urinating instead of assuming the usual squat position.

Why does my cat cry all the time?

If left untreated, this condition may not only lead to your cat crying all the time but also physically suffering in the long term. High blood pressure (called hypertension) could be the cause of your cat’s behavior.

What does it mean when a cat has blood in it?

Many cat owners confuse this with constipation .) The presence of bloody, foul-smelling, or discolored urine. Urinating in unusual places such as on furniture, floors, and corners, called periuria. Excessive grooming or licking of the genital region. Inability to urinate. These cats strain to urinate producing a few drops or no urine.

What does it mean if your cat has blood in his urine?

What does blood in my cat’s urine mean? Blood in your cat’s urine could mean an infection, inflammation, bladder stones, a bladder tumour, or some other form of urinary tract disease. It should be investigated by a vet to find out what is wrong.

What happens if a cat has a blood clot?

Unfortunately, this condition carries a guarded prognosis. Once a cat experiences a blood clot, it’s common for another clot to form within the next several months. Even if a cat survives the initial event, his survival time is frequently limited due to underlying heart disease.

What causes a cat to have a brain hemorrhage?

Thomas: The most common cause of a brain hemorrhage in cats is high blood pressure, which can be caused by hyperthyroidism or a heart condition. Cats can also develop problems that interfere with the blood’s ability to clot, which can result in hemorrhages as well.

If it is painful for your cat to climb into the box, that may initiate some crying. Be sure it is an open area with one side of the box low enough that the cat can just walk into the box.

Why does my 18 year old cat shake all the time?

Thomas: The shaking limbs could be a symptom of arthritic pain. If your cat seems to move more slowly or carefully when she first wakes up, this may be another sign of discomfort. Dahlia: One of Mama’s friends has an 18-year-old cat that was crying a lot. He is hyperthyroid, but his condition is well controlled with medication.

What should I do if my cat cries all the time?

And many cats become very vocal when it gets close to their feeding times. If this is your problem, don’t feed your cat when she cries. Wait until she quiets to put down food, and don’t give her treats when she meows. If this doesn’t work, get an automatic feeder that opens at set times.

Thomas: The shaking limbs could be a symptom of arthritic pain. If your cat seems to move more slowly or carefully when she first wakes up, this may be another sign of discomfort. Dahlia: One of Mama’s friends has an 18-year-old cat that was crying a lot. He is hyperthyroid, but his condition is well controlled with medication.

Why does my cat keep limping on one leg?

Lameness (or limping) in cats can be caused by several underlying reasons. Lameness is typically in response to injury or abnormal anatomy and your pet may or may not be in pain. Lameness can affect one leg or several legs, and can be constant or come and go.

Why does my cat Hiss and Hiss all the time?

Snarls and Growls. Often accompanying the hiss are random snarls and growls, usually indicative of fear, anger or territorial threat. Unlike those of larger cats, such as tigers and lions, the domestic cat’s snarling and growling are of a higher pitch and can start or end with a yowl.

Why does my cat have a limp on his paw?

This position can often indicate a moderate to severe level of pain. This may seem like an obvious sign, but sometimes it’s completely overlooked. Cats who limp—like people—are feeling pain due to an injury, inflammation, infection, arthritis or something lodged in their paw.

Why does my cat not cry out in pain?

A cat in pain is seen as weak- therefore, making them prime targets for predators. In order to survive, they have adapted a deep natural instinct to hide their pain. Your cat will not cry out in pain, for fear that they will attract the attention of a predator.

Why does my cat hiss when I touch him?

While physical pain is one of the less common reasons for a cat to hiss, it’s not unheard of, particularly if you are touching your cat in an area that is hurting him. Stevenson notes that cats suffering from arthritis may hiss when jumping off a chair or moving in a way that causes pain to flare up.

What to do if your cat is hissing at you?

“Make a note of when and where the cat is hissing,” Stevenson advises. “Then take steps to remedy the situation,” whether that means altering your behavior or, if you suspect pain, taking your cat to the vet. Koski agrees. “When you hear the hiss, pay attention,” she emphasizes.

If your cat is limping, he’s doing it for a reason. And that reason is usually pain. Even if your cat doesn’t have a limp, check for other signs like difficulty jumping up or down from the bed or finding that it’s not worth their effort to climb the stairs anymore.

If your cat is limping, he’s doing it for a reason. And that reason is usually pain. Even if your cat doesn’t have a limp, check for other signs like difficulty jumping up or down from the bed or finding that it’s not worth their effort to climb the stairs anymore.

What’s the name of the most painful cat emergency?

While we’re on the subject of pain, this is one of the most truly painful cat emergencies: aortic thromboembolism, or ATE. ATE is a complication of heart disease in cats in which a blood clot lodges in the rear (usually) legs.

When do you Know Your Cat is in pain?

When a cat is experiencing pain, the following are changes that you may notice. These signs will signal the need to visit your veterinarian. Vocalizing. You may notice your cat meowing more than normal. You may also hear her purring at times you would not normally expect it.

Is it normal for cats to have abdominal pain?

Your cat may not always show signs to indicate it is experiencing abdominal pain. Also, pain can, unfortunately, be referred to another area of the body that isn’t the real source. It is important to pay close attention to your cat to discover if it is experiencing abdominal pain.

While we’re on the subject of pain, this is one of the most truly painful cat emergencies: aortic thromboembolism, or ATE. ATE is a complication of heart disease in cats in which a blood clot lodges in the rear (usually) legs.

What causes a cat to not be able to Pee?

A urinary obstruction occurs when the urethra becomes blocked and urine cannot pass. This may be caused by sediment or crystals in the urine and/or inflammation in the urinary tract. Urinary obstructions are far more common in male cats than in female cats. This is because males have a longer and narrower urethra.

When to see a vet if your cat can’t Pee?

A female cat should be seen within 24 hours, or sooner if she is showing other symptoms (vomiting, lethargy, etc.) The initial physical exam and discussion of the signs you are seeing will allow your veterinarian to quickly determine if you cat is blocked. Once this is determined, the following tests may be used:

What does it mean when a cat can’t Pee?

The cat will exhibit frequent attempts at urination, producing little or no urine, which is usually blood tinged. More severe signs can develop in the blocked cat. Due to anatomical differences, a blocked cat is almost always male.

What are the symptoms of a cat urinary problem?

Symptoms of a cat urinary problem may include: The symptom that gets the most attention is when a litter trained cat begins to urinate in the house. Owners often assume the cat is doing this on purpose or that it is a behavioral problem, and want to punish the cat for doing it. But it’s often a medical problem.

Why does my cat keep crawling on the floor?

My cat is no longer running or walking around like she always has. She is now kind of crawling with her butt in the air. She keeps rolling around on the floor and rubbing her head against everything w … read more

How to tell if your cat is paralyzed?

Paralysis in Cats 1 Paralysis in your cat, even if temporary or partial,… 2 Symptoms of Paralysis in Cats. Symptoms of paralysis in your cat may range from subtle… 3 Causes of Paralysis in Cats. Paralysis in cats occurs when some portion… 4 Diagnosis of Paralysis in Cats. To diagnose paralysis in your cat,…

Why is my Cat in so much pain?

Cats have a long history of surviving in the wild prior to becoming domesticated- and they have not forgotten this. A cat in pain is seen as weak- therefore, making them prime targets for predators.

Why is my new kitten crying all the time?

New kitten parents may be tempted to give a kitten full run of the house, but for a young animal, it can be confusing or even scary to have such a large territory. If a kitten is crying, she may be lost and calling out for help because she does not recognize her surroundings, or doesn’t know how to get back to the litter box or cat bed.

Cats look sweet and innocent, but also often have very demanding streaks. By crying, your cat may be demanding that you do something for him — now. Perhaps he wants to go outside.

What to do if your cat is limping and not in pain?

If the cat is not in pain, a soft tissue injury is best treated with rest. If the cat stays off its feet for 48 hours, it will recover. Offer your cat a soft bed or cushions. Applying ice to the injury will also reduce any swelling. If possible, keep your cat in a carrier.

Cats look sweet and innocent, but also often have very demanding streaks. By crying, your cat may be demanding that you do something for him — now. Perhaps he wants to go outside.

Why does my cat get grumpy when she is in pain?

Likewise, if a cat becomes grumpy, it’s not because she’s “just getting old.” I learned this the hard way when, after Siouxsie had four painful teeth extracted, her whole disposition changed. Normally sedate cats can become really hyper and agitated as a result of pain, too.

How can you tell if a cat has been mishandled?

The emotional signs exhibited by a cat that has been intentionally mishandled or abused can vary greatly from those found in a cat that has been hurt in a fight, or a cat that has hurt itself by accident.

What are the signs of pain in cats?

Fortunately, we’ve received a little help in this regard with the publication of a paper entitled, “ Behavioural Signs of Pain in Cats: An Expert Consensus .” Let’s take a look at what the experts have to say about the signs of pain in cats.

Is it normal for cats to purr when they are in pain?

Yes, purring! Often thought of as a sign of pleasure, increased purring can actually also be a sign of pain. If your cat purrs while displaying any of the signs above, it may be out of pain instead of pleasure. Some causes of pain in cats will be obvious, like a broken bone or gaping wound.

What are the signs your cat is in pain?

According to the American Animal Hospital Association, other key signs your cat is in pain include exhaustion, aggressiveness, yowling, hiding away, and antsy behavior.

How can I tell if my cat is in pain?

A common physical sign of pain in a cat is a change in his mobility level. Playful active cats suddenly will start sleeping and lying around more than usual. They might eat or drink less. In addition, cats in pain often will have dilated pupils and might squint. Eye pain often shows up as bloodshot eyes.

How can I know if the cat is crying?

According to animal behaviorists, cats will show their emotional or physical distress by vocalizing as it is the only way they can let you know that there is something wrong. The main causes of a cat crying are either pain or changes to their environment.

Why does my kitten cry all the time?

When the kitten grows into adolescence and adulthood, a cat will often cry because they want food, because they are scared or for other reasons. You need to take a look at the context of the cry. For example, if the cat is crying near an empty food bowl, it is likely that they want some food.

Why is my cat depressed all the time?

There can be several reasons why a cat gets depressed. No matter the reason why, be sure to give it extra time and attention until its happiness level improves. If pain is the culprit, then take your cat to the veterinarian. Illnesses can cause your cat to not feel well and even possibly be in pain.

Why does my cat have a sudden aggression?

Sudden aggression in cats is a scary and frustrating problem for many owners, who fear the unpredictable nature of the kitty fury as well as the physical damage he or she can cause in the throes of an attack.

What are the signs of a sad Cat?

Ears held back, tail tucked, hair standing on end, and other body signs are all forms of silent communication that your cat may be sad. Aggression or fear:Sad cats tend to be more reactive and act out with aggression or fearfulness.

What causes sudden aggression in an older cat?

-Aggression with a medical origin is also common. Pain is the most sudden medical cause for sudden aggression, particularly in older cats or those who have always had a calm temperament.

Why does my cat get aggressive when I touch him?

Arthritis, dental disease, trauma, and infections are just some of the conditions that can cause pain and subsequent aggression when a cat is touched, or thinks he or she might be touched, in a painful area. In addition to pain, cognitive decline, a loss of normal sensory input, or neurological problems can all lead to aggression.

What does it mean when a cat has an abdominal blockage?

The abdominal cavity is lined with a thin, watery membrane, called the peritoneum. When the cat’s abdominal cavity, also called the peritoneal… Gastrointestinal obstruction refers to blockage that may occur in the stomach or intestines. It is a fairly common condition to which cats are…

What are the symptoms of an upset stomach in a cat?

“Symptoms of an upset stomach in a cat include licking the lips, which is a sign of nausea, vomiting and refusing to eat,” says Dr. Elizabeth Arguelles, medical director and founder of Just Cats Clinic in Reston, Virginia.

Why does my kitten have a cyst in her abdomen?

This is the most common reason for ascites in younger cats/kittens. Cats may also become infected by eating flies or cockroaches that carry Isospora cysts. Isospora infections usually cause no problems in adult cats but can cause significant disease in younger cats or kittens.

What are the signs of an older cat getting sick?

Increased appetite may also be a concern, especially if it comes on suddenly in an older cat. Hypothyroidism may be the explanation, but your vet will need to run tests to be sure. Increased appetite should not be ignored, even in younger cats.

How can I tell if my cat has an urinary tract infection?

Your cat has started to display some odd behavior lately. Your previously house-trained cat is now urinating in your bathtub or on your bed. Also, your cat strains as if constipated, just sitting there in the litter box waiting and repeatedly scratching. Not all owners can recognize these key signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI).

How can you tell if your cat has health issues?

Breathing difficulty such as shallow breathing, mouth breathing, or panting may indicate a problem with the airways or lungs. Cats with breathing problems often will have their head and neck extended or may be unable to sleep in a normal position. Repeated bouts of sneezing or coughing are signs of health issues.

How can you tell if your cat has anxiety?

If your cat has anxiety, you may notice pacing or restlessness, hiding, decreased appetite, vocalization, hypervigilance, trembling, salivation, and excessive grooming. Here are some other signs of cat anxiety and fear, from mild to severe: If you see signs of anxiety, follow these tips.

What are the symptoms of a cat emergency?

Symptoms to watch out for are heaving sides, breathing with the mouth open, coughing, wheezing, abnormal respiratory noises, and the catch-all appearance of “breathing funny.” 2. Abnormal urination in male cats This has the potential to be a symptom of one of the most serious cat emergencies any feline faces: urinary obstruction.

What to look for in a sick cat?

Signs to watch for include: Although some cats sleep up to 20 hours during a 24-hour day, the average cat sleeps 16 hours each day. Even though cats spend so much time asleep, changes in their sleeping patterns may be a sign of a medical problem.

An older cat may cry at the top of the basement stairs because the litter box is down in the basement and the cat is painful going up and down stairs. The type of box is important too.

Why does my cat not like to be touched on the back?

Most cats enjoy being stroked on the back, except when they’re sick or injured. So, if your cat doesn’t want to be touched on her back, the chances are that she’s in physical discomfort. Back pain in cats can be caused by psychological or physical factors.

If left untreated, this condition may not only lead to your cat crying all the time but also physically suffering in the long term. High blood pressure (called hypertension) could be the cause of your cat’s behavior.

Most cats enjoy being stroked on the back, except when they’re sick or injured. So, if your cat doesn’t want to be touched on her back, the chances are that she’s in physical discomfort. Back pain in cats can be caused by psychological or physical factors.

What does it mean when a cat chirps and cries?

Since people describe the same cry the different ways, video is often helpful for figuring out what our feline friends are trying to tell us. The generic “meow” can mean almost anything. While “chirps or trills” may be a queen trying to get her kittens to follow or a cat trying to get their human to follow them.

What are the symptoms of lethargy in cats?

Symptoms of lethargy in cats are abnormal sleepiness, low energy, and lack of response to surroundings. Lethargy is not a condition or disease in itself, but can be a sign that something is wrong with your cat. Lethargy is a symptom in itself and is characterized primarily by the following:

How to know if your cat is in pain?

Limping or Difficulty Moving: A limp is an obvious sign a cat is in pain. Also watch out for stiff movements or difficulty standing up after laying down, jumping, or going up stairs. 8. Unusual Grooming: It’s important to know what’s normal for your cat.

Can a cat be a symptom of a disease?

Lethargy is not a condition or disease in itself, but can be a sign that something is wrong with your cat. Lethargy is a symptom in itself and is characterized primarily by the following: In addition, there may be specific symptoms present that are indicative of a specific medical disease or condition.

What kind of pain does my cat have?

The lower spine in cats is a common area of arthritis. Arthritis is a general term that describes a variety of diseases that are characterized by inflammation within the joint.

What causes a cat to be weak and lethargic?

Cats with end-stage cancer are characteristically weak, depressed, and often won’t eat or drink on their own. Urinary Issues. There are several types of urinary tract diseases that afflict cats. Urinary tract infections, cystitis, urethral blockages, and urinary bladder stones are all lower urinary tract diseases that can cause lethargy in cats.

Why does my elderly cat cry all the time?

However, there are a few common reasons why elderly cats start crying a lot. Thomas: The first of these is that she could have a condition called hyperthyroidism. Some cats with this disease have behavior changes that include frequent crying and calling out.

When does a male cat start to cry?

If your cat hasn’t been neutered and is old enough to have reached sexual maturity, his cry very likely is a mating call. Male cats reach “puberty” at anywhere from 4 months in age to one year.

Why is my 18 year old cat meowing all the time?

Thomas: The shaking limbs could be a symptom of arthritic pain. If your cat seems to move more slowly or carefully when she first wakes up, this may be another sign of discomfort. Dahlia: One of Mama’s friends has an 18-year-old cat that was crying a lot.

However, there are a few common reasons why elderly cats start crying a lot. Thomas: The first of these is that she could have a condition called hyperthyroidism. Some cats with this disease have behavior changes that include frequent crying and calling out.

What causes pain in a 10 year old cat?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common chronically painful ailments in cats, affecting more than 90% of cats 10 years of age and older. Spinal arthritis makes it uncomfortable to twist and turn, so grooming the body, especially the hind end, becomes difficult.

If your cat hasn’t been neutered and is old enough to have reached sexual maturity, his cry very likely is a mating call. Male cats reach “puberty” at anywhere from 4 months in age to one year.

What to do if your cat is crying all the time?

Remember, one very easy way to make this type of crying to stop is by getting your cat neutered. Neutering stops mating behaviors, keeps your cat healthier and also prevents feline overpopulation issues — a serious and growing epidemic in this world.

Why does my cat yowl all the time?

If yowling starts or progresses, have your cat checked by your veterinarian. There are many normal reasons for yowling, such as the mating ritual. But there are other medical conditions that can cause this sound, and your cat may be trying to tell you something.

If not, it may be in pain or sick. Senior cats are prone to arthritis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, etc. If you find no medical explanation, check that your cat is not feeling anxious. Also, an unspayed female could also be in heat, yowling to be let outside. There will always be a good reason for an older cat crying at night.

Why does my cat Howl all the time?

Your cat can display odd behaviors like howling or yowling because of underlying health problems. As mentioned, this can include: Hyperthyroidism; Anemia; Dental diseases; Your cat may also start to chew on odd objects such as socks, rubber bands, or plastic bags. If this is the case, it’s probably lacking in essential minerals and vitamins.

When do you Know Your Cat has a problem?

Meowing that suddenly becomes louder or softer, more frequent, or changes pitch or tone could also be an indication that something is amiss, Levy says. “You know your cat best. When you see changes in behavior, patterns of activity, or vocalizations they produce, these should be warning signs.”

When does a kitten make the first noise?

First uttered by kittens when in need of their mothers, this juvenile vocalization fades away as wild cats mature. But, as cats in domesticity tend to think of themselves as our eternal offspring, they maintain this endearing vocalization throughout their adult lives.

Is it normal for my Cat to cry all the time?

Crying also varies with breed and even cat to cat. Since many types of crying are normal for our cats, the focus of this article is the kitty that suddenly starts to yowl. If yowling starts or progresses, have your cat checked by your veterinarian. There are many normal reasons for yowling, such as the mating ritual.

Why does my cat not lay on his side?

They might neglect grooming. They may be purring, which cats do not only when they’re happy, but also when they’re sick or in pain. A cat with breathing difficulties may refuse to lie on his side and may keep his head raised.

How can you tell if your cat has a paw injury?

The most common types are cuts to the paw pad, and paws that have been smashed in some way. The easiest way to determine whether your cat has a paw injury of some kind is to notice his walk. Cats that have suffered an injury to a paw will favor that paw as they move. They might even limp or hold the paw off the ground if the pain is bad enough.

What should I do if my cat cut his paw?

They might even limp or hold the paw off the ground if the pain is bad enough. If you notice your pet behaving in this way, gently examine his paw. If you notice signs of a cut or other injury, clean the wound carefully. Otherwise, take your pet to a veterinarian for further examination and treatment.

Why does my cat keep her paws together when she is sick?

If your cat is huddled into a ball, she may be sick. This is a position that many cats adopt when in discomfort. Keep an eye on her paws, too. Keeping her paws together may be an attempt to clear the airways and breathe easier. This could be a safety-first approach or sign of pain.

Why does my cat have a sore paw?

She may have gotten something stuck in her paw pad, or she may even have a slight muscle strain. Wait until your cat is calm and lying down. Then, try to inspect her leg and paw. Look for noticeable swelling, redness or signs of pain like meowing or flinching when you lightly touch the area.

How can I tell if my cat has a paw injury?

Look for noticeable swelling, redness or signs of pain like meowing or flinching when you lightly touch the area. Wag! points out that a cat with a paw pad injury, such as an ingrown claw, may also lick one paw excessively or avoid walking on that foot.

What to do if your cat is limping on one paw?

Wait until your cat is calm and lying down. Then, try to inspect her leg and paw. Look for noticeable swelling, redness or signs of pain like meowing or flinching when you lightly touch the area. Wag! points out that a cat with a paw pad injury, such as an ingrown claw, may also lick one paw excessively or avoid walking on that foot.

Cats who are hurting will try to bring relief by licking the area that’s bothering them. You see this a lot in cats with urinary tract infections or idiopathic cystitis. Siouxsie’s sister, Sinéad,…

Why does my cat not let me touch his leg?

A Warm Leg – A swollen leg will often feel warm to the touch. If your cat’s leg is warm and swollen, you can be certain he is experiencing some degree of pain if he is not showing it. Refusing to Let You Touch the Leg – If your cat refuses to let you touch his leg/paw, this suggests that he may be in pain.

While it’s quite obvious and intuitive that a broken bone, gaping wound, or surgical procedure will likely be painful to your cat, those aren’t the only reasons for pain. There are lots of other common conditions that cause pain that often goes unrecognized by cat owners and therefore untreated by their veterinarians.

Speaking of food, it’s true that some cats in pain will either stop eating, or not eat as much as normal. But not every cat will respond this way because in the wild, a cat that doesn’t eat will die so if they are able to eat despite even very significant pain, they often will. A cat in pain will often hide from you.

Cats who are hurting will try to bring relief by licking the area that’s bothering them. You see this a lot in cats with urinary tract infections or idiopathic cystitis. Siouxsie’s sister, Sinéad,…

When does a cat have trouble breathing with its mouth open?

When a cat is breathing rapidly with its mouth open, it’s obvious it’s having trouble breathing. Other symptoms of respiratory distress are more subtle but obvious to the eye and the ear.

Can a cat purr when they are in pain?

Cats can and do purr when they are in pain, so it is possible a cat could purr when they are dying. There is a cycle of love & death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the company of animals.

Why is my kitten panting all the time?

“Chronic respiratory diseases such as bronchial disease can cause a cat to pant. Therefore, when a cat is noted to be panting, I always recommend the owner consult with their veterinarian. Even in a young kitten, panting can be a sign of problems like an underlying congenital heart problem.”

Is it normal for a cat to pant when playing?

If your cat is panting after playtime, while on a walk, or en route to a vet visit, they’re probably not showing symptoms of a serious condition. Cats breathe rapidly and sometimes pant when overexcited, stressed, or playing in hot weather. This is a normal response and is seldom a medical emergency. Cool down the workout and cool down your cat.

What does it mean when your cat is Panting and wheezing?

As the health problems above indicate, panting in cats could signify a serious disorder. Cottrell says signs your cat is having difficulty breathing include open mouth breathing or panting, wheezing, breathing that looks labored, and an increased respiratory rate.

What should I do if my cat is Panting all the time?

Treatment might include draining the fluid from around the lungs or medications to dilate blood vessels, get rid of excess fluid, and make the heart contract with more force. Respiratory infection: As you might expect, respiratory infections in cats make it difficult for a cat to breathe, which could cause panting.

However, if you are aware of certain medical conditions it has, such as arthritis, dental disease, neurological problems, etc., then the yowling may be associated with the pain that comes from them. Unfortunately, hyperthyroidism is quite common among geriatric cats.

Why did my cat scream and die suddenly?

Cats are notoriously good at hiding illness. As Mama says, “cats do great … until they don’t.” And by the time they’re obviously doing poorly, they can be very, very sick indeed. Tara: Sudden death is the most terrible manifestation of this tendency cats have to hide their sickness.

Why did my cat go to sleep and never woke up?

Thomas: There’s no real way to know why your cat just went to sleep one night and never woke up. There are possibilities, of course, but unless you’re willing to have a veterinarian do a necropsy to find a cause of death, you will probably need to live with that uncertainty.

Why does my cat cry and meow at night?

They become disoriented and often cry plaintively for no apparent reason, especially at night. A nightlight sometimes can help if your cat becomes disoriented at night, and veterinarians often can prescribe medications that help these symptoms.

Why does my old cat scream all the time?

High blood pressure, either alone or in association with other diseases, is a frequent finding in old cats. Some of these cats scream. We can fix this. Hyperthyroidism. Very common in older cats, hyperthyroidism can cause excessive vocalization. Are these cats hungry? Hyperactive? Anxious? All of the above? We can fix this, too. Pain.

Why does my cat not want to be touched?

Some cats just don’t like being touched, but if yours normally does and then suddenly doesn’t, consider pain as a possible cause. As previously mentioned, a painful cat won’t want to be touched and this often leads to aggression.

What does it mean when a cat is sleeping in a tight ball?

In the mind of a cat, pain is a sign of weakness. If your cat is sleeping curled in a tight ball, look more closely. If the cat displays any of these physical traits, it is in pain. The resting position is an attempt at relieving this problem: Loud purring is another warning sign.

Why does my cat meow and cry all the time?

Something like a muscle strain in her lower back region isn’t terribly uncommon, while more serious but rarer conditions involving the kidneys can cause pain around the area. If your kitty is letting out a meowing cry but not flinching or trying to pull away, she may be enjoying your little strokes.

Some cats just don’t like being touched, but if yours normally does and then suddenly doesn’t, consider pain as a possible cause. As previously mentioned, a painful cat won’t want to be touched and this often leads to aggression.

Why does my cat have pain in his abdomen?

While younger cats tend to have peritonitis due to infectious and traumatic causes, malignant cancers are more often the cause of acute abdomen in older cats. It is crucial to determine the underlying cause of the acute abdomen, as your veterinarian may have to perform emergency surgery to resolve it.

Written by Richard Parker. Cats never limp without a good reason. Even if your cat is not crying, don’t assume that it’s not masking its discomfort. In fact, some cats become accustomed to pain and no longer react. Common reasons for a cat to limp include trauma, arthritis (joint pain), and infection.

What does it mean when a cat won’t move?

Not moving around not eating inside his mouth is cold. Today I have a 2 year old male cat that is neutered. We live out Hello. I have a 2 year old male cat that is neutered.

Why does my senior cat walk with a limp?

The likeliest explanation for limping in senior cats is arthritis. Cats of any age can develop this condition. It becomes worsens as a cat’s age reaches double figures. It is unlikely that a cat aged 12 or older will not be arthritic. The first sign of arthritis in cats is a slowing of physical activity.

The likeliest explanation for limping in senior cats is arthritis. Cats of any age can develop this condition. It becomes worsens as a cat’s age reaches double figures. It is unlikely that a cat aged 12 or older will not be arthritic. The first sign of arthritis in cats is a slowing of physical activity.

Why does my cat keep jumping on my leg?

If your cat is limping but still jumping, a pulled muscle or pinched nerve in the leg could be to blame. In most cases, muscle and nerve ailments are not debilitating, but they can cause your cat to develop a limp until the issue is resolved or heals naturally.

Why does my cat cry when I Come Home?

Some examples of when and why cats cry are: Greeting you when you come home. Hard to stop but not usually something that lasts long. And when you think about it, it is a nice thing. Wants food (begging). Be careful not to reinforce this behavior by feeding them when they beg. You want to reward them when not meowing at you.

Why does my cat run away from me all the time?

Cats are fickle creatures, and while there’s no doubt we humans love ’em to bits, it can feel more than a little hurtful when our very own resident furries give us the cold shoulder. That being said, contrary to how a flighty cat might make you feel, this all-too-common feline behaviour is no indication your cat hates or even dislikes you.

What happens if a cat gets run over by a car?

A cat that gets run over suffers widespread internal trauma that can kill it instantly or in a matter of minutes. A cat that gets clipped and goes over the car may suffer fractured bones, but with treatment it could survive.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common chronically painful ailments in cats, affecting more than 90% of cats 10 years of age and older. Spinal arthritis makes it uncomfortable to twist and turn, so grooming the body, especially the hind end, becomes difficult.

Why does my cat hurt when I pet him?

Inflammation and the infection of soft tissues can lead to severe pain during casual touching or a petting session with your cat. One of the most unfortunate causes of a cat’s back pain is cancer. Nerve roots, soft tissues, and cancer of the vertebrae can result in pain in the back and neck area.

Thomas: The shaking limbs could be a symptom of arthritic pain. If your cat seems to move more slowly or carefully when she first wakes up, this may be another sign of discomfort. Dahlia: One of Mama’s friends has an 18-year-old cat that was crying a lot.

Inflammation and the infection of soft tissues can lead to severe pain during casual touching or a petting session with your cat. One of the most unfortunate causes of a cat’s back pain is cancer. Nerve roots, soft tissues, and cancer of the vertebrae can result in pain in the back and neck area.

Why does my kitten have a lot of bloating?

In kittens, bloating can develop from one of these causes: Infection in mother cat’s mammary glands or uterus lead to toxic milk syndrome. Improperly mixed milk replacement formulas. Spoiled replacement milk or abnormal cat’s milk. Too many carbohydrates in kitten food (dry)

When to take your cat to the vet for bloating?

When the cat begins to show symptoms such as pain, unexpected weakness, attempting to belch or vomit, or difficulty breathing, it should be taken to the vet immediately. Bloating in cats is a condition that is potentially deadly.

What causes severe stomach bloating in kittens?

In kittens, mild to severe stomach bloating can develop from one of these causes: Infection in mother cat’s mammary glands or uterus lead to toxic milk syndrome Improperly mixed milk replacement formulas Spoiled replacement milk or abnormal cat’s milk

What causes a cat’s stomach to stop working?

The signs and symptoms of stasis are usually the result of an underlying problem that causes the stomach to stop working. Such problems may include: In cats, stomach motility disorders are not as common. The main cause of such problems in cats is an accumulation of hair in the stomach (i.e., hairballs).

When the cat begins to show symptoms such as pain, unexpected weakness, attempting to belch or vomit, or difficulty breathing, it should be taken to the vet immediately. Bloating in cats is a condition that is potentially deadly.

As previously mentioned, a painful cat won’t want to be touched and this often leads to aggression.

When to take your cat to the vet for a Boo Boo?

You simply cannot afford to take them to the vet for every boo-boo. A vet’s treatment is always the best option for severe conditions in cats. The good news is that most abscesses often resolve on their own—they will burst open and drain. But what happens when they don’t?

Why does my Cat Lift up his back leg?

You’re entertaining a guest in your home, when your cat casually strolls into the middle of the room, plops down on the floor, lifts up his back leg and begins grooming his, well, private parts. Why would he do something like that and out in plain sight like he wants an audience?

This is the most common reason for ascites in younger cats/kittens. Cats may also become infected by eating flies or cockroaches that carry Isospora cysts. Isospora infections usually cause no problems in adult cats but can cause significant disease in younger cats or kittens.

Why does my cat have fluid in her abdomen?

Ascites, which is also known as abdominal effusion, is the medical term used to refer to the buildup of fluid in a creature’s abdomen. This may cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and loss of appetite. A wide variety of causes may be responsible for ascites.

Why does my cat cry when I scratch her back?

A cat I had would repeatedly pop out her tongue when her back was scratched and would stop when you stopped. Snapping with the teeth is common reaction in many cats, leading to the ‘but I thought he liked it’ cry. Usually it is at the hand doing the scratching.

The condition causes a feline’s skin to feel extremely sensitive and causes your cat to do some funky things. They include ripping out her own hair, especially near her lower back and tail region; reacting to your stroking with loud or irritated cries; and delivering a fury of paw swipes toward your hand on her back or worse.

Why does my cat not walk on her back legs?

But when a cat has problems walking or putting weight on its back legs, it’s much harder to hide. Weakness and stiffness can be due to bone, ligament, muscle problems, nerve damage, neurological issues, or organ failure. It can be triggered by injury (sprains, strains, and broken bones), or by a progressive disease, such as arthritis.

What are the symptoms of weak back legs in cats?

Weak and stiff back legs in cats can come on suddenly, or more gradually. Symptoms that you may notice include: Lameness (limping) Struggling to stand; Slow or stiff walking; Unsteady back legs; Holding a leg off the floor while standing; Dragging the back paws; Legs giving out or collapsing; Paralysis – unable to move the legs at all

How does an arthritic cat hide its pain?

Many cats hide their pain very effectively. While we may sometimes see cats limping or favouring one leg or another, more often than not our arthritic cats simply become less active. They spend more time sleeping and resting. They may be reluctant to jump onto surfaces that were easily accessible previously.

Cats can and do purr when they are in pain, so it is possible a cat could purr when they are dying. There is a cycle of love & death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the company of animals.

Many cats hide their pain very effectively. While we may sometimes see cats limping or favouring one leg or another, more often than not our arthritic cats simply become less active. They spend more time sleeping and resting. They may be reluctant to jump onto surfaces that were easily accessible previously.

Signs of pain in a cat can vary greatly. You may hear your cat growling or crying. You may notice your cat is licking the affected area or sometimes an area nearby. Some cats go off their food and may be more clingy and attentive than normal.

What to do if your cat won’t eat or drink?

Let’s go over 8 common signs of illness in cats. If a cat refuses to eat or drink, this often means the cat is in pain or is otherwise feeling poorly. Contrary to popular belief, most cats are not finicky eaters. Watch for changes, such as an increase or decrease, in a cat’s food intake.

Is it normal for a cat to go a day without eating?

It is not normal for any individual to go a full day without eating when food is available, and not eating can be a symptom (kidney failure, complications of diabetes and intestinal obstruction) and a cause of (fatty liver) major health problems. 6. Protracted vomiting and/or diarrhea

When do cats run away and not come back?

If your cat has disappeared or perhaps your cat frequently disappears and returns 2–3 days later, one of the above-mentioned topics might be the reason your cat is missing. How Far Do Cats Go? Most cats are within a 1-mile radius of their home when they go “missing.”

What should I do if my cat does not eat for three days?

If the cat does not eat for three days seek veterinary advice. Spend more time with the cat grooming, stroking and playing. This will give a positive feel to any changes in the house that the cat senses.

What happens if a cat goes off food for a long time?

A cat that goes off its food for several days is in danger of a potentially fatal liver disease called hepatic lipidosis. Encourage eating by warming food slightly or putting water or meat juice or it.

Can a grieving cat go off its food?

Keep the cat ‘s routine the same. Changes in feeding times or even simply moving furniture around can cause further stress. A grieving cat may go off its food. A cat that goes off its food for several days is in danger of a potentially fatal liver disease called hepatic lipidosis.

Aging cats. Cats, just like people, can suffer from a form of mental confusion, or cognitive dysfunction, as they age. They become disoriented and often cry plaintively for no apparent reason, especially at night.

If they are crying out in pain, their condition is likely intense and quite severe. It is not uncommon for cat owners to misunderstand their cat’s ques when it comes to displaying signs of pain. Quite often, we hear similar comments about what an owner perceives to be an odd behavior in their cat.

Yes, purring! Often thought of as a sign of pleasure, increased purring can actually also be a sign of pain. If your cat purrs while displaying any of the signs above, it may be out of pain instead of pleasure. Some causes of pain in cats will be obvious, like a broken bone or gaping wound.

Why does my cat howl when he is in pain?

Cats in pain don’t often vocalize it, but if your cat never makes much noise and suddenly starts loudly howling, it might be a sign that he is in pain. It could also mean your cat is looking to mate, but if your cat is neutered, this is obviously not the case.

What happens when a senior cat gets confused?

You’ve probably already noticed an increase in catnaps, another indication that your cat is getting a little older. Like most senior animals, aging cats can develop dementia, and from this point on, your cat is at increased risk. It is harder for him to learn new things and adjust to change now, and he may get confused more easily.

What does it mean when a cat sleeps on its side?

Cat Sleeping Flat on Side Taken alone, side-sleeping does not mean a cat is sick. Quite the opposite, in fact. It usually suggests a cat is happy and relaxed.

Why does my cat scream in the middle of a fight?

Cats in the midst of a fight may also scream. These primeval shrieks often come after a long, ominous yowl, and usually punctuate a climactic paw swat or vicious bite. Whole cats are more likely to fight, though even fixed pets will actively defend their territories.

Meows or cries in response to pain may also be loud and are an obvious sign that your cat is in distress. Quite often, this type of meow is low-pitched and mournful sounding. It may be repeated throughout the day or only when your cat is engaged in a specific activity that causes pain, such as trying to use…

To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. History of Words is a new animated infotainment video series that investigates the definitions, origins and history of words.

What should I do if my cat meows all the time?

Trial pain medication may be prescribed to see if arthritic or neurologic pain improves. A dental procedure may be recommended if the cat is in a stable state for anesthesia. Other sources of pain or chronic inflammation may not be as obvious. Cats living with subacute pain for a long time may be very stoic.

Meows or cries in response to pain may also be loud and are an obvious sign that your cat is in distress. Quite often, this type of meow is low-pitched and mournful sounding. It may be repeated throughout the day or only when your cat is engaged in a specific activity that causes pain, such as trying to use…

Why does my cat make a weird noise before vomiting?

The strange weird meow is what we commonly refer to as the “pre-puke howl” and most cats do make that sound before vomiting. Even though you haven’t changed his food, technically every time you open a new bag (if you are using dry food) or a can from a different batch (production date and time), this is “new” food.

Aging cats. Cats, just like people, can suffer from a form of mental confusion, or cognitive dysfunction, as they age. They become disoriented and often cry plaintively for no apparent reason, especially at night.

And many cats become very vocal when it gets close to their feeding times. If this is your problem, don’t feed your cat when she cries. Wait until she quiets to put down food, and don’t give her treats when she meows. If this doesn’t work, get an automatic feeder that opens at set times.

Why is my cat crying and yowling at night?

Cats have many vocalizations and reasons for making them. Crying and yowling are indications of distress, confusion, fear, or pain and if your cat is making these noises, there is typically something wrong. If your cat starts vocalizing more at night, it may be due to cognitive dysfunction.

Why is my cat acting weird all the time?

A cat acting weird might be depressed. Remember how you felt the last time you got dumped? You stayed in bed all day, didn’t change your clothes, and ate only when your mom called and insisted that she was going to come over if you didn’t shove some food into your face right now.

What to do when your cat is acting crazy?

Every cat is different, so the best thing you can do to start is to simply observe your cat. Take mental notes of the environment and conditions present when the “crazy” behavior occurs. Pay attention to body language, vocalizations, time of day, and what your cat just did.

A cat acting weird might be depressed. Remember how you felt the last time you got dumped? You stayed in bed all day, didn’t change your clothes, and ate only when your mom called and insisted that she was going to come over if you didn’t shove some food into your face right now.

Why does my Cat stop interacting with Me?

Another reason your cat may stop being interested in interaction is due to depression. If they are unhappy, they may lose their motivation. The reasons your cat is depressed are varied and can be difficult to determine. They may also be similar to the reasons your cat is stressed as not all cats will respond to the same stimuli in the same way.

Is it normal for cats to be weird?

None of the above weird behaviors point directly or conclusively to a particular disease. Often, they may not even seem like symptoms of illness, but just that the cat seems ‘ out of sorts ’. However, unusual behavior in cats will usually have some underlying cause, so it is worth noting any weird behavior.

Why is my cat acting weird after flea treatment?

Even the most gentle vet might have to restrain a cat which is already nervous due to being taken out of their home. This anxiety might not stop after they get home. They will show signs of irritation which may include vocalizations and even slight aggression. However, these behaviors should stop eventually once they have calmed down.