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Is it OK if my cat ate before surgery?

Is it OK if my cat ate before surgery?

The anesthesia guidelines from the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) are clear. Cats over 16 weeks of age should not eat or drink overnight if they have morning procedures. This is to reduce risks of vomiting up stomach contents and potentially breathing some of it in while under anesthetic.

Do cats need to fast before surgery?

Cat Pre-Surgical Instructions We recommend that you fast your cat the night before surgery but allow them to drink water through the night. Generally, this involves simply picking up your cat’s food but allowing them access to water til you depart for the veterinary hospital.

What if I ate before surgery?

Eating and drinking before a general anaesthetic If your stomach has food and drink in it, there’s a risk of vomiting or bringing up food into your throat. If this happens, the food could get into your lungs and affect your breathing, as well as causing damage to your lungs.

How long does it take for anesthesia to wear off on a cat?

How long will it take my cat to recover from anesthesia? With today’s anesthetics, many of which are reversible, your pet should be almost completely normal by the time of discharge, although many pets will sleep more or be more tired after returning home for twelve to twenty-four hours after anesthesia.

How do I prepare my cat for surgery?

You may be instructed to remove your pet’s access to food and water for 12 hours prior to surgery. This is important because for some pets, having food or water in the system can interfere with the intubation, or breathing tube, used to deliver anesthesia, as well as the recovery period after sedation.

Can a 9 year old cat have surgery?

I have just scheduled my nearly 9year old cat for surgery to remove a fairly large bladder stone. The vet has warned me that surgery is more dangerous for older cats. She seems to be in good shape other than the obvious discomfort from the bladder stone.

How long can a cat stay under anesthesia after surgery?

To help your cat recover safely from anesthesia, follow your vet’s directions to a T. Your vet will probably keep your cat for at least a few hours after surgery to observe his recovery.

Do you have to take your cat home after surgery?

Will your cat need to spend the night at the veterinary hospital, or will you be able to bring her home the same day? Dr. Plotnick sends most of his surgical patients home the same day, only about a third may need to spend the night. Ask your veterinarian about post-surgical care instructions.

How to minimize the risks of cat surgery?

However there are ways your vet can help minimize these risks, including getting a good bloodwork panel done before surgery and carefully choosing any anesthesia meds as well as any post-op meds.

I have just scheduled my nearly 9year old cat for surgery to remove a fairly large bladder stone. The vet has warned me that surgery is more dangerous for older cats. She seems to be in good shape other than the obvious discomfort from the bladder stone.

However there are ways your vet can help minimize these risks, including getting a good bloodwork panel done before surgery and carefully choosing any anesthesia meds as well as any post-op meds.

Can a cat be put under anesthesia for surgery?

It can detect abnormal heartbeats called arrhythmias. If an arrhythmia is detected, your veterinarian can make suitable changes in anesthesia. Core body temperature may be monitored, especially if your cat is undergoing a prolonged surgical procedure.

What should I expect from my Cat after surgery?

Here are some things you can expect to be part of the post-op care. Rest: Your cat will be groggy until the anesthesia wears off.