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What does a puffed up tail on a cat mean?

What does a puffed up tail on a cat mean?

A puffed-up tail can even indicate playful intentions. Kittens frequently puff up their tails while playing. Even adult cats sometimes puff up their tails in play. A playful kitten or cat holds his puffy tail up. Other indicators include erect ears, whiskers pointed forward and somewhat dilated pupils.

Why does my cat have a swollen tail?

I have found when the base of tail is swollen it is almost always an abscess from a puncture or bite (since one cat will usually try to turn and run they get it on the butt) but it also could be something else, perhaps infected anal glands that would need veterinary intervention.

What does it mean when your cat’s tail is broken?

Signs of Break, Fracture or Dislocation. Any of these symptoms may signal a break, fracture or dislocation. If the tail is dislocated at the base, your cat may also have some issues attempting to use the litter box.

Why does my cat have waxy fur at the base of her tail?

Symptoms include: Waxy material on the skin and fur at the base of the tail The condition is caused when the sebaceous glands at the base of the tail excrete too much sebum. Treatment includes using medicated shampoos to keep the base of the tail clean and antibiotics if a skin infection is present.

What kind of diseases do cats have on their tails?

Cat Tail Conditions and Diseases 1 Tale of a Tail. Your cat’s tail contains up to 20 caudal vertebrae, surrounded by muscle, and is able to move in a variety of ways, from small little tips 2 Tail Trauma. 3 Trauma Treatments. 4 Stud Tail. 5 Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome. …

I have found when the base of tail is swollen it is almost always an abscess from a puncture or bite (since one cat will usually try to turn and run they get it on the butt) but it also could be something else, perhaps infected anal glands that would need veterinary intervention.

Signs of Break, Fracture or Dislocation. Any of these symptoms may signal a break, fracture or dislocation. If the tail is dislocated at the base, your cat may also have some issues attempting to use the litter box.

Why are cats at risk for tail trauma?

The tail is an important part of a cat’s body as it provides them with a sense of direction and balance as well as control over their bowels. There are no breed, sex, or age predispositions for developing tail trauma, although outdoor cats have a higher risk for experiencing tail trauma than indoor cats.

What does it mean when a cat whips its tail?

Position: whipping tail. A tail that slaps back and forth rapidly indicates both fear and aggression. Consider it a warning to stay away. Position: swishing tail. A tail that sways slowly from side to side usually means your cat is focused on an object.