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What happens if you accidentally take thyroxine twice?

What happens if you accidentally take thyroxine twice?

I think I may have accidentally taken my dose twice this evening. What might happen? I usually have a little system to remind me to take it but tonight got distracted and think I may have taken it again. I wish they would number or put days on the pack. Any advice please of what I can expect to happen if I’ve taken double my dose.

When is the best time to take thyroid medication?

You don’t take your medication correctly. Thyroid medication should generally be taken in the morning, an hour before eating any food, drinking coffee, or drinking milk, and at least three hours apart from taking any calcium or iron supplements or calcium-fortified drinks.

How many Synthroid pills should you take in a week?

BUT — the important thing is your dose over an entire week, not your daily dose. Synthroid is very slow to absorb, so what matters is how it averages out over a 1-2 week period. Do you have any way to figure out how many pills you have taken this week?

What happens if you take a double dose of Synthroid?

Holds a week worth of meds. I need it to keep my meds straight. I took a double dose of them one time. Woops. Considering what I take, I was a bit loopy the rest of the day. I don’t think one extra dose will harm you. Sign in to react. Sign in to react. Sign in to react. You’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it. 🙂 Sign in to react. Sign in to react.

Can You double the dose of thyroid medication?

Never double the dose for the next day. The effect is very different than what you would expect. This isn’t like other medications, it is a hormone. On occasion we can all forget.

Is it OK to take Synthroid twice a day?

I take synthroid because I had my thyroid removed and as far as I know it should better be taken the same time but it is o.k. if it is taken later in the day. Never double the dose for the next day. The effect is very different than what you would expect. This isn’t like other medications, it is a hormone. On occasion we can all forget.

Is it better to take thyroid medication at night or day?

But the truth is that either time of day works, although one time may better suit your lifestyle. In addition, there is some 2010 research suggesting that taking your dose at bedtime may allow for better thyroid hormone absorption. Discuss when to take your thyroid medication with your doctor.

When to switch the time you take your thyroid pills?

In the end, the key to optimizing your thyroid health is to maintain consistency, taking your thyroid pill around the same time and in the same way each day. With that, if you and your doctor decide to switch the timing of your thyroid medication, be sure to have your thyroid levels evaluated about six to eight weeks after you’ve made the switch.