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What happens if you give too much flu vaccine?

What happens if you give too much flu vaccine?

If you administer too large a dose Although it is unlikely that your patient will suffer any untoward side effects from receiving a “double dose” of vaccine, using larger-than-recommended dosages can result in excessive local or systemic concentrations of antigens or other vaccine constituents.

What if I accidentally took two amoxicillin?

There’s an increased risk of side effects if you take 2 doses closer together than recommended. Accidentally taking 1 extra dose of your antibiotic is unlikely to cause you any serious harm. But it will increase your chances of getting side effects, such as pain in your stomach, diarrhoea, and feeling or being sick.

What if I accidentally take 2 doxycycline?

Accidentally taking an extra dose of doxycycline is unlikely to harm you. Speak to your pharmacist or doctor if you’re worried or you take more than 1 extra dose.

Why can’t you lie down after clindamycin?

by You should avoid lying down after taking the antibiotic clindamycin because it may prolong the time it takes for the medication to move through your esophagus into your stomach, potentially irritating your esophagus.

What happens if BCG is given twice?

There is no proven benefit of repeated BCG vaccination against TB. This also applies to revaccination of BCG-vaccinated individuals who remain negative by subsequent tuberculin testing. In the absence of a scar in children in high-burden countries, BCG vaccination is indicated.

Does getting the flu make your immune system stronger?

Getting the flu itself can provide much stronger immunity than any flu shot does. But getting the flu is dangerous, so getting a flu shot is a better option.

Is it OK to double up on antibiotics?

In most cases, you should not double the next dose of antibiotics if you’ve missed a dose. Taking a double dose of antibiotics will increase your risk of getting side effects. Take your missed dose as soon as you remember or, if it’s nearly time for your next dose, skip your missed dose altogether.