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What happens when you have two cats in the House?

What happens when you have two cats in the House?

With a cat or two around the house, even the most dedicated cat parent may slack off and take Kitty’s presence for granted. Even the simplest oversight may have big consequences on your cat’s well being and quality of life.

Why did my cat fall out of the window?

Loosely screened windows can pose a hazard to curious cats. Excitement over a robin’s fly-by may cause your mellow tabby to accidentally dislodge that screen and plummet to the ground. If you’re at work when the incident happens, hours could pass before you realize your cat is hurt or missing.

Where do cats go when they are dying?

Not all dying cats go away to die, a cat who is outside and becomes seriously ill (through trauma or disease) may not always have the strength to return home and will seek out a hiding spot such as a shed or under a house or bush.

Why does my cat throw up all over the place?

Cats who eat too much or too fast can vomit food, and it typically it appears in a tubular shape. They can also vomit food if they become nauseous shortly after eating, if there is a foreign body obstructing the food from moving into the small intestines, or if they have a food allergy.

With a cat or two around the house, even the most dedicated cat parent may slack off and take Kitty’s presence for granted. Even the simplest oversight may have big consequences on your cat’s well being and quality of life.

Loosely screened windows can pose a hazard to curious cats. Excitement over a robin’s fly-by may cause your mellow tabby to accidentally dislodge that screen and plummet to the ground. If you’re at work when the incident happens, hours could pass before you realize your cat is hurt or missing.

Not all dying cats go away to die, a cat who is outside and becomes seriously ill (through trauma or disease) may not always have the strength to return home and will seek out a hiding spot such as a shed or under a house or bush.

What should I do about my indoor cat’s reaction to the outdoors?

Wrong. Your indoor kitty’s reaction to the great outdoors might be curiosity, confusion, or fright. She may dart away into traffic or cower under a bush when a strange dog approaches. Keep Kitty safely harnessed, leashed, and reassured by your presence when outdoors, for her peace of mind and yours.

Why does my Cat stop using the litter box?

Underlying medical conditions may be the reason for a cat to stop using their litter box. Diabetes, thyroid disease and other diseases of the kidneys and liver are common in aging cats and all can contribute to litter box issues. Get a thorough veterinary exam for your cat to determine any possibly underlying medical issues. 07.

When do kittens get along with their mothers?

From the time a kitten reaches adolescence — somewhere between 10 to 12 weeks — a mommy cat may still tolerate his presence, and may even on occasion play with or show affection for her grown baby, but at this point, the relationship most often becomes one of kitty roommates.

What happens if you leave your indoor cat outside?

A friend or neighbor might leave the door open, not realizing you have an indoor-only baby poised for an adventure. An open window and a moment of boredom may lead your pet on an unexpected outdoor jaunt. If that happens without your cat being “fixed” you could be facing roaming issues, which may include your baby not returning home at all.

Is it possible to keep two cats indoors?

Sometimes the only option is to keep a physical barrier between the two cats and that may mean keeping your cat indoors. In which case, you should read our section below on how to keep cats entertained and engaged in an indoor environment.

What can I do to get my cat to stay inside?

Try planting grass, alfalfa, catnip, wheat or oat grass (sold in pet supply stores) in indoor pots for this purpose. If you live in a climate that has cold winters, that season may be the perfect time to help your cat make the transition to a life indoors.

What to do with an outdoor cat that wants to be an indoor cat?

She doesn’t have to give all of that up once she becomes an indoor cat. Place a cat tree or perch near a window so she has a good view, then place a bird feeder outside so she has some up-close-and-personal action. Outdoor cats can be accustomed to gnawing on grasses.