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Where can I find the word throw up?

Where can I find the word throw up?

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia . 1. verb To hurl, fling, or cast someone or something into the air or up to a higher position. A noun or pronoun can be used between “throw” and “up.” He threw up the child in the air and caught her as she fell. Will you throw this book up on the top shelf for me?

When do you start throwing up after eating food?

The onset of food poisoning usually begins 2 to 12 hours after eating the food and involves throwing up with no fever. Common food sources that cause food poisoning are spoiled mayonnaise, chicken, fish, beef, or salad dressing. Some clues that it may be food poisoning are: Often there is vomiting without fever

What did people throw up in the 1700s?

throw up. 1. Vomit, as in The new drug makes many patients throw up. [First half of 1700s] 2. Abandon, relinquish, as in After the results of the poll came in, she threw up her campaign for the Senate.

Which is the best synonym for the word throwing?

Throwing the tea into the harbor raised a sharp sense of resentment in the minds of Britons. This last spear is propelled by a throwing-stick, which was also found lying by it. I sat up night after night to keep her from throwing herself out of the window; at times she seemed to be quite off her head.

Why do I keep throwing up after breakfast?

Im 26weeks and constantly throwing up or feel sick to my stomach. Hi I’m 14 and for some reason have been throwing up after breakfast and not being able to keep food down in the morning. At first I thought I was allergic to eggs so I cut those out of my diet but I keep throwing up!!

How often do I throw up in the morning?

Every morning i try to eat breakfast or drink a cup of green tea (I really like tea), but i always end up throwing it up. Sometimes i throw up right before i go to get on the bus, and those days i don’t go to school.

What to eat and drink when you throw up all the time?

Drink clear fluids (water, diluted juices, ginger ale), and eat foods that are mostly liquid (Jell-O®, clear broth, popsicles). Ease yourself back into your regular diet with small amounts of bland foods (plain yogurt, plain oatmeal, grits, bread, crackers). Avoid fatty foods; they digest more slowly and can cause nausea.

What’s the difference between vomiting and throwing up food?

Actual Vomiting There is a big difference between vomiting and throwing up undigested food. Undigested food has not had time to encounter the stomach digestive enzymes so this food is coming from the esophagus. The act of vomiting involves involuntary expulsion of stomach contents.