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Why is my cat always licking plastic bags?

Why is my cat always licking plastic bags?

It’s often linked to pica, “the indiscriminate eating of inedible objects,” says Dodman, author of Pets on the Couch. Licking plastic bags is a “texture-specific eating disorder,” meaning the cats just like that texture, he adds.

Why won’t my cat stop licking plastic bags?

It’s possible that cats detect a smell that mimics pheromones. Licking the plastic could cause a flehmen response, and could also be why a cat will urinate on a plastic bag. It’s possible some cats lick plastic because they like the feel of it on their tongue. Some cats just seem to enjoy licking or biting plastic.

Why does my cat Lick plastic grocery bags?

Nobody knows for certain why cats lick plastic. It may be because some bags contain animal fats or fish oils. Or it could be that the cats smell the food that was previously in the bag. In some cases it could be a mental health issue. There are a few things you can do.

What happens if a cat chews on a plastic bag?

If chewed, there’s a risk of choking and intestinal blockage. Playing with plastic bags creates a risk of strangulation and suffocation. Not every cat does this behavior but if your kitty does, it can be a seemingly endless battle to keep plastic bags out of reach.

Why does my cat smell food out of the bag?

It may be because some bags contain animal fats or fish oils. Or it could be that the cats smell the food that was previously in the bag. In some cases it could be a mental health issue. There are a few things you can do.

Cats that lick plastic bags for groceries will often do it because it smells like food or has actual food residue on it. Cats have a very sensitive sense of smell, so they can tell where food was even if the bags are empty now. Cats aren’t just drawn to the smell of food on bags.

How can I Keep my Cat from eating plastic?

The best way to prevent a plastic is to keep plastic away from your cat. Things that can help include: Request paper over plastic bags if you have a choice at your local store. If you take home products in plastic bags, once you unpack them, be diligent in safely storing them.

If chewed, there’s a risk of choking and intestinal blockage. Playing with plastic bags creates a risk of strangulation and suffocation. Not every cat does this behavior but if your kitty does, it can be a seemingly endless battle to keep plastic bags out of reach.

What kind of plastic is in grocery bags?

Most plastic bags are made of ethylene or ethene polymers with the most common grocery bags being made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). This type of bag is very absorbent of odors, and commonly takes on the odors of the products they hold.