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Why is my cat losing hair on the back of his neck?

Why is my cat losing hair on the back of his neck?

Hair loss on the back of the neck is an early warning symptom of hormonal imbalance in cats. Sebaceous adenitis, a condition involving oil-producing glands under the skin, is rare in cats, but can result in hair loss and scales on the head and neck. The condition is treated with special shampoos or steroids.

Why is cat losing hair on back?

What causes hair loss in cats? Feline fur loss may have fungal and parasitic causes, such as ringworm, mites or flea allergies. Food allergies are another possibility, as are metabolic conditions such as hyperthyroidism, the term for over-production of thyroid hormones.

Why does my cat lose hair around the neck?

Cats who are allergic to their food or inhaled substances may experience hair loss around the head and neck, as well as other areas. The exposed skin may appear relatively normal or it may show signs of a secondary bacterial infection, including inflammation or ulceration.

What kind of skin disease does a Persian cat have?

Though often seen in Persians, seborrhea can affect various breeds of cat and typically in the same way — the skin becomes red and irritated, which leads to scratching and further cellular damage.

What does it mean when you lose all your hair on your head?

The result can be losing your hair in odd, circular patches (called alopecia areata); losing all your hair on your scalp (alopecia totalis); or losing all your hair on your head and body, including your eyebrows and eyelashes (alopecia universalis).

How to treat idiopathic seborrhea in Persian cats?

As it is not possible to cure idiopathic seborrhea, treatment will mainly focus on controlling the condition. This may include using a combination of shampoos and conditioners to control the amount of oily buildup and calm the itchy skin. Your veterinarian may also prescribe oral vitamin or fatty acid supplements.