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Can an upper respiratory infection cause body aches?

Can an upper respiratory infection cause body aches?

Signs and Symptoms: You may have one or more of the following symptoms. Belly ache. Body aches and sore muscles. Chills.

What are the symptoms of lower respiratory infection?


  • Congestion or runny nose.
  • Dry cough.
  • Sore throat.
  • Low-grade fever.
  • Mild headache.

    Is it normal for your legs to be cold?

    However, it is important to differentiate coldness from an actual low temperature in/on the legs and just a sensation of coldness despite the temperature being normal. Coldness of the legs is a symptom and may be accompanied by other signs and symptoms. One of the common accompanying symptoms is an ache or pain.

    Can a cold leg cause cramping and pain?

    Pain and Other Symptoms. Coldness of the legs is a symptom and may be accompanied by other signs and symptoms. One of the common accompanying symptoms is an ache or pain. Most of the time pain due to cold is described as a deep ache or cramping pain. Cold can also aggravate pain that may be pre-existing.

    What causes frequent urination and pain in legs?

    The symptoms of HIV myelopathy are frequent urination, tingling, muscle cramps and pain in the legs. This condition develops in the later stages of HIV infection and there is no known treatment for it. Type 2 diabetes is a condition that develops over time.

    Why do my feet feel cold when I touch them?

    The feet do not feel cold to the touch, although the person may feel numbness or a pins-and-needles sensation. Finally, for some people, cold feet are a normal response of the body. Some researchers believe that having cold feet is an inherited trait. Since there’s no medical cause, warm socks are the solution!

    What causes a cold sensation in the legs?

    Multiple sclerosis can cause a cold sensation in the legs, explains The New York Times. A cold sensation in the legs can also occur after a stroke, says the National Institute on Aging. Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that causes tingling, numbness, and hot or cold sensations in the limbs, according to the New York Times.

    What to do if your legs are cold?

    To prevent this we may cover the legs and feet, relocate towards a warm environment and move the legs to generate heat. The body may also reroute heat from the torso to the legs to help control its temperature.

    The symptoms of HIV myelopathy are frequent urination, tingling, muscle cramps and pain in the legs. This condition develops in the later stages of HIV infection and there is no known treatment for it. Type 2 diabetes is a condition that develops over time.

    Can a common cold cause an upper respiratory infection?

    The common cold generally does not cause body aches, but influenza can. While the flu primarily infects the upper airway, it causes symptoms throughout the body that can include fever, chills, fatigue, and muscle aches. Sometimes flu gets into the lungs themselves to cause mild chest congestion and coughing.