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Can you use flea spot on kittens?

Can you use flea spot on kittens?

FRONTLINE Spot On is a veterinary medicine with a robust safety profile. It can be applied to cats from 8 weeks of age that weigh at least 1kg. If your cat is unwell, please see your vet for advice before you apply a flea treatment. FRONTLINE Spot On for cats is not suitable for use on dogs or rabbits.

How do you get rid of fleas on a 2 month old kitten?

Treat Fleas With A Dish Soap Bath

  1. Use comfortably warm water and a fragrance free dish liquid or a natural baby shampoo.
  2. Try to complete the entire bath in less than 2 minutes, as kittens can become panicked or chilled during this process.
  3. Wash from the neck down, avoiding the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

What’s the best flea treatment for a 6 week old kitten?

Revolution (a spot on flea treatment) is safe to use on kittens six weeks of age and older, according to their package instructions. I recommend using that on Jasper.

What can I use to get rid of fleas on my Cat?

Clean the area very well after use. Vaseline is a product found on many lists of home remedies. This is because it is so versatile and can be used for everything from protecting human skin to stopping cats from chewing on electrical wires. It turns out Vasleine can also be helpful when eliminating fleas on kittens.

How old do kittens have to be to not have fleas?

For the past couple of days, I’ve been taking care of a 3-week old kitten. Ninety percent of the time I end up finding fleas on kittens and it can be impossible to find a one-time product that is safe for those kittens under 6 weeks of age.

How often should you bathe a kitten to get rid of fleas?

Bathing your kitten is another pretty safe and effective option to help your kitten get rid of fleas. Follow these safety tips: Don’t bathe your kitten more than twice a week, because frequent bathing can be damaging to their skin.

Revolution (a spot on flea treatment) is safe to use on kittens six weeks of age and older, according to their package instructions. I recommend using that on Jasper.

How to get rid of fleas on a cat?

6 Home Remedies for Fleas on Cats 1 Cedar Chips. 2 Lemons. 3 Spices. 4 Apple Cider Vinegar. 5 Dish Soap. 6 (more items)

Can a 4 week old kitten get fleas?

Even newborn kittens can get fleas which are often spread from the mother cat to the kitten. However, flea control medications must not be used on very young kittens. For kittens younger than 4 weeks, groom with a flea comb, or pick fleas off with tweezers.

Bathing your kitten is another pretty safe and effective option to help your kitten get rid of fleas. Follow these safety tips: Don’t bathe your kitten more than twice a week, because frequent bathing can be damaging to their skin.