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How do I know if my Feliway is on?

How do I know if my Feliway is on?

How to tell if Feliway diffuser is on?

  1. If it’s plugged in and the power is on then it’s working.
  2. Humans won’t be able to smell or see it but you should hopefully notice a change in the cat’s behavior.
  3. The diffuser does use a small amount of heat to diffuse the liquid so you may feel a warmth coming out of the top.

How often should I use feliway Classic for my Cat?

However, every cat is unique. Depending on how long the signs of stress have been present and their severity, it may take longer to see the effects. We recommend using FELIWAY Classic for at least 1 month. How long should I use it? Most cats will benefit from permanent use of FELIWAY Classic to create a happy environment in your home.

When to use a feliway friend or classic diffuser?

In such situations, we recommend to consult your veterinarian or a behaviourist. If the conflict between your cats is associated with spraying or scratching in the home, both FELIWAY Friends and FELIWAY Classic are recommended. The two diffusers should be plugged in where your cats spend most of their time. They can both be used in the same room.

How long does it take for feliway friends to work?

However, every cat is unique. Depending on how long the tension between cats has been present and how severe the conflict may be, it may take longer to see effects. We recommend using FELIWAY Friends for at least 1 month. How long should I use it?

How does feliway work to restore harmony between cats?

After the mother cat gives birth, she sends “harmony messages” to her kittens. These messages (scientifically called pheromones), released in the mammary zone, are naturally appeasing and and ensure harmony between her kittens. FELIWAY Friends sends “harmony messages” to cats and helps restore harmony between cats living together.

However, every cat is unique. Depending on how long the signs of stress have been present and their severity, it may take longer to see the effects. We recommend using FELIWAY Classic for at least 1 month. How long should I use it? Most cats will benefit from permanent use of FELIWAY Classic to create a happy environment in your home.

In such situations, we recommend to consult your veterinarian or a behaviourist. If the conflict between your cats is associated with spraying or scratching in the home, both FELIWAY Friends and FELIWAY Classic are recommended. The two diffusers should be plugged in where your cats spend most of their time. They can both be used in the same room.

However, every cat is unique. Depending on how long the tension between cats has been present and how severe the conflict may be, it may take longer to see effects. We recommend using FELIWAY Friends for at least 1 month. How long should I use it?

Do you need a scratching post for feliway classic?

FELIWAY CLASSIC will not help decrease urine spraying if clean litter boxes are not available to the cat Scratching is a natural behavior of cats. Your cat should also have an easily accessible scratching post in the home. FELIWAY CLASSIC will not deter scratching if a scratching post is not provided.