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How old is my cat if he is 18?

How old is my cat if he is 18?

Cat Years to Human Years Converter

Cat Years (cat’s age according to the calendar) Human Years (cat’s age in equivalent human years, based on stage of development/aging)
17 84
18 88
19 92
20 96

How old was my last cat when he died?

Just lost my last cat a few weeks back, 18 years old, kidneys failing, lost weight and spent most of the day asleep. Took him to the vet and they found a lump on his liver (cancer) and that was that.

How old is my 18 year old cat?

18 or 19 year old cat and she’s wasting away before our eyes. Very thin compared to her younger chunky physique, drinking lots of water, trouble getting on the couch but can make it (fell off once as far as we are aware) purrs away when stroked, which we find encouraging, but not eating a lot.

Do You need Someone to tell you if you lost your cat?

You dont need anyone to tell you. Lost our cat this week exact same symptons,not been eating well,however when she lost control of back legs that signalled the end,it was very swift,didn,t want to end it too early however she was ready to go, sad day,had her 18 yrs. Very thin compared to her younger chunky physique…

How old is Yossarian the 18 year old cat?

This topic has 37 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by yossarian. 18 or 19 year old cat and she’s wasting away before our eyes.

Hello I have a 18 year old cat – who will be 19 in June. Hello I have a 18 year old cat – who will be 19 in June. Over the past few years she has lost significant amount of weight. She is skin and bones. … read more

How to tell if your cat is dying of old age?

Telltale Signs an Old Cat Is Dying 1 Indications a Cat Is Dying of Old Age. According to the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine,… 2 Signs of Death for Specific Diseases. Geriatric cats can die from several types… 3 Treatment Considerations. The severity of your cat’s symptoms will increase during… 4 The Aging Cat. When a cat ages,…

How old is your cat and how much weight has she lost?

My cat is 20 years old and has lost almost all her body weight in the last 6 months, despite feeding her an enormous amount of food (3 cans per day). In … read more I have a cat who is 18 years old, All of a sudden in the last 3 days he quit using his litter box and is leaving deposits all over my house. Today he is also … read more

When to start looking for a lost cat?

If the cat hasn’t come home in a day, it’s time to start looking. Every once in awhile, cats will either intentionally or unintentionally be taken on a ride out of the area.