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Is amoxicillin safe for nursing cats?

Is amoxicillin safe for nursing cats?

Amoxicillin/clavulanate is considered a safe first choice as it penetrates and concentrates in milk and is safe for nursing puppies and kittens (1,2).

What to look for in a cat with an abscess?

Most cat abscesses are the result of bites or scratches, mostly from an attacking animal. Most abscesses will be found on the cat’s neck, front legs, or the tail/rump area. Signs to look for include: Soft, painful swelling. Foul-smelling discharge from a wound. Lethargy and loss of appetite.

What causes an abscess on a cat’s leg?

There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. An abscess may form on a cat after it has been bitten by another cat or animal. The bacteria that gets into a wound from a bite is what causes the abscess.

Do you let an abscess on your cat go untreated?

Cats and Abscesses: Don’t Let Them Go Untreated! and all major holidays, 365 days a year. Speed up your visit. Start here. Cats and Abscesses: Don’t Let Them Go Untreated! Abscesses are a serious condition that warrant treatment — and frankly, they are pretty fun to treat.

Do you have to sedate a cat with an abscess?

If the abscess is open and draining, then it may be possible to treat the cat without sedation. If the abscess is not open, then the cat may need to be sedated in order to lance the abscess.

How does an abscess look like on a cat?

Typically, an abscess appears suddenly as a painful swelling (if it is not located inside a body cavity or deep within tissue) that may be either firm to the touch, or compressible like a water balloon. The abscess may be large or small, will often cause redness if it is under the skin, and may cause local tissue destruction.

What should I do if my cat has an abscess?

While your cat is healing from an abscess, it is important to monitor for any increased draining from the abscess site (if the abscess is superficial), or any evidence that the cat is not improving (if the abscess is internal). Avoiding a future recurrence depends on where the abscess occurred, and what tissues are involved.

What causes a cat to have a tooth abscess?

Causes of Abscess in Cats. Abscess is generally caused by injury or infection of the gums or skin. Dental abscesses are typically caused by tooth fracture, damage, or decay.

Can a mother nurse a baby with an abscess?

As long as the site of the abscess does not prevent it (i.e. if it’s very close to the areola or nipple), a mother should continue to nurse on the affected breast.