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What do I do if my diabetic cat has low blood sugar?

What do I do if my diabetic cat has low blood sugar?

Emergency Treatment of Hypoglycemia

  1. Immediate oral administration of glucose solution or corn syrup (1 g per kg body weight). An alert animal may be fed a small amount of food.
  2. Intravenous dextrose solution can be administered to effect in severe cases or if oral therapy has been ineffective.

What happens when a cats blood sugar is low?

Hypoglycemia is often referred to as “low blood sugar.” When your cat’s body is deprived of sugar, its main source of energy, his ability to function declines and, in severe situations, loss of consciousness or even death can result.

Can a cat with diabetes have low blood sugar?

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is more likely to occur in cats with feline diabetes. By recognizing the symptoms of hypoglycemia in cats, pet owners can take steps to treat the condition and hopefully prevent it from occurring again.

Why is my cat’s blood sugar so high?

Cat Diabetes and Glucose Fluctuations. But even if that is not the cause of your cat’s high readings, sometimes giving too much insulin can cause these spikes as well. What happens in this case is that your cat’s glucose actually gets too low, and it causes rebound effect, creating a skyrocketing blood glucose level later in the day.

When does a diabetic cat become hypoglycemic?

The mostly likely time that a cat will become hypoglycemic is the time of peak insulin effect (5 – 8 hours after an insulin injection). When the blood glucose is only mildly low, the cat will be very tired and unresponsive.

How to take care of a diabetic cat?

As time has progressed with treating diabetic felines, we have learned that we should actually be treating our cats more similarly to how we would treat a person with diabetes. The best thing to do is to feed a low carbohydrate diet, test multiple times daily, and make insulin dosage adjustments according to your cat’s blood glucose readings.

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is more likely to occur in cats with feline diabetes. By recognizing the symptoms of hypoglycemia in cats, pet owners can take steps to treat the condition and hopefully prevent it from occurring again.

What happens when blood sugar drops in a cat?

The body needs glucose to maintain its energy levels, which are necessary for the body’s organs, cells and various symptoms to carry out their daily functions. If a cat’s blood sugar levels drop, most cells can absorb fatty acids from the reserve located in the liver.

What happens when a diabetic cat stops eating?

When a diabetic cat stops eating for whatever reason, their glucose levels will still stay elevated because they are diabetic. The fact that your kitty’s blood glucose got too low means either he got too much insulin and became hypoglycemic or he has lost his insulin requirements and is no longer diabetic (yes,…

The mostly likely time that a cat will become hypoglycemic is the time of peak insulin effect (5 – 8 hours after an insulin injection). When the blood glucose is only mildly low, the cat will be very tired and unresponsive.