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What does cryptococcosis look like in a cat?

What does cryptococcosis look like in a cat?

Cryptococcosis – What does it look like? In cats, the nose is the primary site of infection. As such, affected felines frequently sneeze and have nasal discharge. The discharge may be mucoid and have some blood in it.

Where can I get help for my cat with cryptococcosis?

Clinical signs are typically referable to the nasal passages, but the brain and eyes can also be affected. Early diagnosis and treatment with appropriate antifungal agents are essential for ensuring a cat’s recovery. To find a board-certified veterinary internal medicine specialist, please visit the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

What kind of animals are affected by cryptococcosis?

Cryptococcosis affects humans, cats, dogs, ferrets, horses, goats, sheep, cattle, dolphins, birds, koalas, and other marsupials (Sykes and Malik, 2012). It has a worldwide distribution and is observed more commonly in cats than in dogs (McGill et al., 2009).

Is it dangerous to have a pet with cryptococcosis?

Culture of Cryptococcus in the lab is not hazardous to workers as only the yeast form is grown and it does not aerosolize. Contact with infected pets is also not a risk to owners. Source of exposure is the main health risk to owners. Malik R, Krockenberger M, O’Brien CR, et al. Cryptococcosis.

Cryptococcosis – What does it look like? In cats, the nose is the primary site of infection. As such, affected felines frequently sneeze and have nasal discharge. The discharge may be mucoid and have some blood in it.

Clinical signs are typically referable to the nasal passages, but the brain and eyes can also be affected. Early diagnosis and treatment with appropriate antifungal agents are essential for ensuring a cat’s recovery. To find a board-certified veterinary internal medicine specialist, please visit the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

What are the symptoms of cryptococcal pneumonia in cats?

Occasionally, the lungs will also be involved, reflecting the presence of cryptococcal pneumonia. Because the nasal cavity is the most common site of infection, the majority of affected cats will show signs like sneezing, noisy breathing, nasal discharge (usually thick and yellow, and occasionally bloody), and nasal deformity.

What kind of fungal infection does a cat have?

Cryptococcosis is a common fungal infection in cats. Clinical signs are typically referable to the nasal passages, but the brain and eyes can also be affected.