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What does it mean when you have trouble eating?

What does it mean when you have trouble eating?

Loss of appetite can be related to lowered immune system function, feeling unwell, and having an upset stomach. Medical conditions that can cause a loss of appetite include: digestive conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. a hormonal condition known as Addison’s disease.

When should you worry about not eating?

According to Vavrek, you should head to the doctor if you’ve lost weight or gone three to four days without an appetite. It’s important to determine whether an underlying medical condition is at the root of the problem.

What does it mean when your child won’t eat?

Possible Reasons Your Child Isn’t Eating. Children in their natural state are hungry every few hours (even if they deny it at the time), and refusing to eat most likely is a sign of an underlying medical problem, as opposed to an indication of a parent-child power struggle. If you have to coerce your child to eat with threats and bribes,…

What foods should you avoid as you age?

Avoiding Problem Foods as You Age Aging doesn’t mean a boring menu. WebMD shows you vegetables, meats, fruit, and other foods that might give you issues as you age and better healthy options. Skip to main content

How old do you have to be to have anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa or other eating disorders: Although most people consider this a problem for teens, anorexia nervosa has been identified in children as young as 6 or 7. 3 

What foods should you eat as you age on WebMD?

Aging doesn’t mean a boring menu. WebMD shows you vegetables, meats, fruit, and other foods that might give you issues as you age and better healthy options. Skip to main content

How old do you have to be to have an eating disorder?

Once again, given their developmental stage, children ages 8 to 12 years old with eating disorders respond to behavior therapy and parents should be fully versed with behavior modification techniques by the time the child returns home.

Anorexia nervosa or other eating disorders: Although most people consider this a problem for teens, anorexia nervosa has been identified in children as young as 6 or 7. 3 

Possible Reasons Your Child Isn’t Eating. Children in their natural state are hungry every few hours (even if they deny it at the time), and refusing to eat most likely is a sign of an underlying medical problem, as opposed to an indication of a parent-child power struggle. If you have to coerce your child to eat with threats and bribes,…

How many children are diagnosed with an eating disorder?

According to research, one in five children diagnosed with an eating disorder have a history of early feeding problems, such as “fussy or picky” eating though this has not been identified as a direct cause of an Eating Disorder [3].