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What does it mean when your diarrhea is GREY?

What does it mean when your diarrhea is GREY?

If stools are white, gray, or pale, a person may have an issue with the liver or gallbladder as pale stools suggest a lack of bile. Some anti-diarrhea medications cause white stools. Spinach, kale, or other green foods can cause green poop.

What color is unhealthy diarrhea?

Consult your doctor if you’re concerned about your stool color. If your stool is bright red or black — which may indicate the presence of blood — seek prompt medical attention. Food may be moving through the large intestine too quickly, such as due to diarrhea.

What does green GREY diarrhea mean?

It may be due to bile pigment in the stool because diarrhea moves food too quickly thorough the intestine so the intestinal chemicals and bacteria can’t break down the bile pigment to its normal brown color, or the green color may be due to certain foods like green, leafy vegetables or green food coloring.

What does it look like when you have green diarrhea?

This can look green and usually floats, because with this illness the absorption of fat is interfered with. It is one of the common causes of diarrhea in the U.S. Other symptoms include: Lots of gas. Abdominal bloating and distention. Sometimes a low grade fever. Abdominal pain and cramps. Nausea and vomiting.

What causes diarrhea that is black in color?

More in black watery diarrhea causes, it happens because of injury to the stomach. It is usually followed by the color of the stool that changes like in black watery diarrhea and nausea. In addition, there are other symptoms such as vomiting blood, pain in the pit of the liver, etcetera.

When do you know that you have diarrhea?

Diarrhea makes its presence known with several urgent trips to the bathroom in a short time. You know it’s diarrhea when you pass loose, watery stool two or more times a day. You may also have: Cramping. Abdominal pain. Bloating.

When to see a doctor for black watery diarrhea?

As already described in the causes, people will need a medical emergency. Even when someone is not sure with all the symptoms of black watery diarrhea, it is also allowed to see the doctor as stomach pain and diarrhea treatment and prevention of severe and serious disease.

When is green diarrhea something to worry about?

When Green Diarrhea Is Something to Worry About. It’s not common, but stool can also appear green for physical reasons and not from a food or supplement. In some cases, the green stool might be a sign of a medical condition.

Diarrhea makes its presence known with several urgent trips to the bathroom in a short time. You know it’s diarrhea when you pass loose, watery stool two or more times a day. You may also have: Cramping. Abdominal pain. Bloating.

What are the signs of severe yellow diarrhea?

Signs of dehydration like confusion, lethargy, dry mouth, decreased urine, or dark yellow. Age extremes with severe diarrhea young infants, elderly more than 70 years of age. RELATED: How To Treat Yellow Stool.

How long does it take for diarrhea symptoms to go away?

Run-of-the-Mill Symptoms. Even without medicine, diarrhea usually goes away on its own within 48 hours. The most important things you can do in the meantime are: Stay hydrated while the diarrhea runs its course. Avoid foods that will make your symptoms worse.