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What is Bunny molting?

What is Bunny molting?

As all rabbit owners are aware, rabbits moult (often referred to as shedding) regularly. Initially when rabbits are young, their baby coat is replaced at around 5 months by a transitional coat. After this, the rabbit’s adult coat will develop and from here on, rabbits generally moult twice a year (Spring and Autumn).

Does my rabbit have snuffles?

How do I know if my rabbit has snuffles? The first sign of a problem is usually runny eyes with wet, tear-stained fur on the cheeks. As the condition progresses, your rabbit will develop a discharge from its nose which it will wipe away with its front paws. You may spot the dried discharge on your rabbit’s front paws.

Can rabbit mites transfer to humans?

Fur mites, or “walking dandruff,” affect mainly rabbits, but also guinea pigs, hedgehogs, rodents, cats, and dogs. Although an uncommon host for the mite, these mites can also be transmitted to humans. The mites are nonburrowing skin parasites.

How long do rabbits molt for?

Rabbit molting seasons can last anywhere from 2-6 weeks. On the shorter end of this spectrum, you will be dealing with a whirlwind of fluff as your rabbit sheds their entire coat in a very short period of time.

How long does it take for rabbit’s hair to regrow?

Hair should regrow within a few months in these cases unless there was extensive scarring and deep damage to the skin. During normal shedding, the undercoat may come out in clumps, but no flaking should be seen.

Why do rabbits pull hair out of their fur?

In some cases alopecia may be the result of a behavioral problem known as “barbering.” This is where a dominant rabbit will chew or pull the hair out of its fellow cage-mate; hair loss predominantly appears on the flanks.

Why does my Bunny have a lump under the skin?

Abscess in Rabbits. Abscesses are extremely common in pet rabbits and are the most common cause of swelling beneath the skin. There is no certain age or sex more susceptible to abscesses, although dwarf and lop-eared rabbits are believed to be predisposed to abscesses and dental disease.

Why does my rabbit have a bald spot on her head?

Coat density in this area may change with the seasons or with hormonal fluctuations in unspayed females. If the bald spot is limited to the area hidden when the rabbit tucks her head back toward her shoulders. If the hair is thin beyond this spot, it is a good idea to have your veterinarian do an examination.

Why do Rabbits have bald spots on their heads?

If the rabbit is healthy the bald spots will begin to become pigmented by new hair growth and then start to grow normally. The rabbits molt usually begins on the head, moving down the neck and back then towards the stomach, but some rabbits molt in patches all over their bodies.

How can you tell if a rabbit has hair loss?

The hair loss may appear as small, bald spots on their body, or there may be larger areas of your rabbit’s coat that are missing hair. You may also notice general hair loss throughout your rabbit’s body.

Is it normal for rabbits to have hair in their stomach?

However, rabbits are constantly ingesting hair through grooming and it is therefore perfectly normal to find some hair in the rabbits’ stomach. Problems occur when the hair ‘dries out’ due to a sluggish GI tract and/ or dehydration.

Hair should regrow within a few months in these cases unless there was extensive scarring and deep damage to the skin. During normal shedding, the undercoat may come out in clumps, but no flaking should be seen.