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What is the cost of an Irish Wolfhound?

What is the cost of an Irish Wolfhound?

Irish Wolfhound ($1,500 to $2,000) Two thousand dollars might seem a small price to pay for the tallest of dogs, also known for a commanding appearance. Irish Wolfhounds are known for their athletic ability, especially in endurance running.

Are Irish Wolfhounds good pets?

The Irish Wolfhound is a gentle dog who usually gets along well with everyone. With early socialization and training, he’ll be gracious toward other dogs and forbearing of indoor cats. Irish Wolfhounds do not make good guard dogs although their size can be a deterrent to a would-be intruder.

How much do Irish Wolfhounds cost UK?

A typical cost for an Irish Wolfhound can be between £1,000 to £1,500. The Irish Wolfhound Society can put you in touch with a good breeder and offer advice.

Does the Irish Wolfhound bark a lot?

Like most dogs, Irish Wolfhounds are likely to make noise and it all depends on the training, socialisation and personality of your dog as to how much they bark. In general, Irish Wolfhounds are not known for being big barkers.

Do Irish Wolfhounds bark a lot?

The Irish Wolfhound is not the ideal watchdog. He doesn’t bark an alarm, and although he has the size to deter many would-be intruders he doesn’t have the nature of a guard dog. He’s brave but not aggressive. Like any dog, the Irish Wolfhound isn’t the breed for everyone.

What is the bite force of an Irish Wolfhound?


Do Wolfhounds bark?

They are not overly vocal and won’t often bark. Irish Wolfhounds aren’t great watch dogs. They are so gentle that intruders need not worry, however their giant size is often off putting for some.

How much does a broken Irish Wolfhound cost?

For example, bloat, a common occurrence among the Irish wolfhound, can cost $2,000, while a fractured limb can cost closer to $3,000. Keep in mind that due to their larger size, they will eat more than the average dog.

Where do I go to get an Irish Wolfhound?

However, if you intend for your Irish Wolfhound participate in official dog shows and tournaments, s/he is required to have official papers that confirm lineage. The marketplace at the American Kennel Club is the most well-known registry of purebred dogs in the United States.

What’s the average weight of an Irish Wolfhound?

It can sometimes reach as high as 7 feet by standing on its hind legs. The minimum weight is 120 pounds (54 kg) for males and 105 pounds (48 kg) for females. The Irish Wolfhound lives for an average of seven years. Science is still unclear as to why larger dogs tend to die younger than small dogs.

How much does an AKC wolfhound puppy cost?

At, a popular dog classified website, they had close to 100 listings at the time of writing this, with prices ranging from as little as $900 to more than $2,300. Browsing at the official AKC Marketplace, the breeders who did list their prices were asking for $1,800 to $2,600.

What is the average price for an Irish Wolfhound?

On average, an Irish wolfhound puppy can cost anywhere from as little as $900 for to more than $2,500 for an AKC registered, purebred dog. The costs will depend on the breeder, colors, the bloodline, pet quality and the geographical location. While the color can play a small role in the pricing,…

How big is an average Irish Wolfhound?

There are several other giant breeds in the AKC and other registries around the world-but the Irish Wolfhound is acknowledged as the world’s tallest dog breed. Measured from the withers (the top of the shoulder) to the ground, the average male stands 34 or 35 inches.

Are Irish Wolfhounds hypoallergenic dogs?

No, Irish Wolfhounds are not hypoallergenic. And the reason is because, while not extreme, they do lose some hair on a regular basis. The hair itself often isn’t the sole cause of the allergies, the dander (or dead skin) and dried saliva is.

What to feed Irish wolfhound puppy?

According to sources we found, it’s usually advisable to feed Irish Wolfhound foods with low to moderate protein percentages (around ≈ 22 percent) and low fat percentages (around ≈ 9 percent). This is true for both adult dogs and puppies.