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What should a 17 year old be thinking about?

What should a 17 year old be thinking about?

Most 17-year-olds also are thinking about the future. They begin to establish more concrete plans for college and life after high school. 1  Fluid intelligence also is reached around this age, which means 17-year-olds have an improved ability to cope with new problems and situations. 2 

Is it normal for a 17 year old to use slang?

Slang is common among teens. Slang words may have more meaning than formal language at this age. Some 17-year-olds still struggle to understand double negatives. And although their attention spans are improved, it’s common for them to lose track of long, complex questions.

Is it normal for a 17 year old to be calm?

For the most part, a 17-year-old’s moods are calmer than they were in earlier teen years. This is due to fewer hormonal shifts and an increased sense of control. But that doesn’t mean teens won’t struggle with their emotions when they face a big problem.

Is there such thing as a 16 year old body?

Although Hollywood and TV might love to portray particular body shapes and types, they are portraying a false reality. People come in all shaped and sizes, and more importantly, people change over their lifespans. The human body adapts to its conditions, and grows in spurts and starts. Your body and your arms are a function of you being sixteen.

What should a 17 year old know about life?

Talk often about healthy relationships, safe sex, and dating. By age 17, most teens have good organizational skills. Many teens are able to successfully juggle extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and school work. Although many 17-year-olds think they’re adults, their brains still aren’t yet fully developed.

Slang is common among teens. Slang words may have more meaning than formal language at this age. Some 17-year-olds still struggle to understand double negatives. And although their attention spans are improved, it’s common for them to lose track of long, complex questions.

For the most part, a 17-year-old’s moods are calmer than they were in earlier teen years. This is due to fewer hormonal shifts and an increased sense of control. But that doesn’t mean teens won’t struggle with their emotions when they face a big problem.

What happens to a teenager when they turn 17?

Turning 17 represents an interesting fork in the road for many teens. Some of them take off on a smooth path toward adulthood. They become increasingly responsible and they’re eager to become independent. Others, however, are terrified of the realities of pending adulthood.

Most 17-year-olds also are thinking about the future. They begin to establish more concrete plans for college and life after high school. 1  Fluid intelligence also is reached around this age, which means 17-year-olds have an improved ability to cope with new problems and situations. 2 

What should a 17 year old know about dating?

Establish clear rules about dating. Talk often about healthy relationships, safe sex, and dating. By age 17, most teens have good organizational skills. Many teens are able to successfully juggle extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and school work.