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What to do if your cat is lethargic?

What to do if your cat is lethargic?

If you suspect your cat is lethargic because of a gastrointestinal problem it is best that you have your cat examined by your veterinarian right away. Urinary/Kidney Disease – Urinary tract and kidney disease are relatively common in the cat. Lethargy is a common sign associated with these disorders.

What causes a cat to be lethargic at night?

Less common but serious conditions that could cause lethargy in your cat are: Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical upon presentation of a lethargic cat. Diagnosis is complicated as there are many possible causes of lethargy in cats which range from mild to severe, as lethargy is a symptom of most illnesses and disorders.

Why does my Cat Feel Sick all the time?

Kidney disease has many causes, but the result is that the cat’s kidneys become unable to properly filter waste from the blood. The buildup of these waste products makes your cat feel sick. Signs like lethargy, weight loss, increased drinking and urinating and incontinence occur.

Why does my cat not want to be touched?

Some cats just don’t like being touched, but if yours normally does and then suddenly doesn’t, consider pain as a possible cause. As previously mentioned, a painful cat won’t want to be touched and this often leads to aggression.

What should I do if my cat is lethargic?

General treatment of the symptom lethargy often includes an improved diet and supplements, such as iron supplements for anemia. It may also include intravenous fluids or oxygen therapy if required. Rest is also prescribed for lethargic cats that require it.

Why is my 5 year old cat so lethargic?

My 5 year old male cat was fine yesterday morning. However something must have taken effect overnight. This morning he is completely lethargic. He won’t get up from his spot and keeps sleeping. He seems almost lifeless and barely responsive.

Less common but serious conditions that could cause lethargy in your cat are: Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical upon presentation of a lethargic cat. Diagnosis is complicated as there are many possible causes of lethargy in cats which range from mild to severe, as lethargy is a symptom of most illnesses and disorders.

What are the symptoms of a cat emergency?

Symptoms to watch out for are heaving sides, breathing with the mouth open, coughing, wheezing, abnormal respiratory noises, and the catch-all appearance of “breathing funny.” 2. Abnormal urination in male cats This has the potential to be a symptom of one of the most serious cat emergencies any feline faces: urinary obstruction.