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What to do when your cat is lethargic should you worry?

What to do when your cat is lethargic should you worry?

Try to ensure it is safe. If you have all these factors covered, then if your cat is lethargic, and there is no obvious reason that requires immediate attention, then give your cat some time (quiet) to see if they can heal themselves. One vet told me four days was a good bench mark to go by.

What should I do if my cat won’t eat?

Not eating is a serious matter in cats. They cannot go more than a… Our cat will not eat or drink and she is lethargic. Not eating is a serious matter in cats. They cannot go more than a few days without eating or they risk liver damage. Your cat needs to be seen by your vet right away for an exam and bloodwork to…

Why is my cat not eating or drinking?

My cat, Tom, is lethargic, breathing heavily while laying down, won’t eat or drink water, and is shedding more fur than usual. What should I do?

Is it bad to force a sick cat to eat?

Trying to force your cat to eat is detrimental to their needs at the time, and probably a source of irritability for them. A healthy cat can survive for many weeks without food. This may not be ideal, but I am just trying to ensure people caring for a sick cat get their priorities right. It’s more important to focus on the ‘why’ it happened.

What should I do if my cat is lethargic?

General treatment of the symptom lethargy often includes an improved diet and supplements, such as iron supplements for anemia. It may also include intravenous fluids or oxygen therapy if required. Rest is also prescribed for lethargic cats that require it.

What should I do if my cat doesn’t eat for 24 hours?

Encourage eating and hydration if your cat doesn’t eat for 24 hours and/or doesn’t drink for 12 hours. A sick cat should never go without food for more than 48 hours, or 24 hours without water. Water helps the blood flow, and ensures internal organs continue to work optimally. Starvation and dehydration will magnify existing health concerns.

Why is my lethargic cat not eating anything?

I’m in tears because I can’t stand knowing he’s in pain and how he was so sweet yesterday morning and so expressive and lively and now he’s completely the opposite. If you have an emergency vet available, I think I’d get him in asap – not wait until tomorrow.

Why is my 5 year old cat so lethargic?

My 5 year old male cat was fine yesterday morning. However something must have taken effect overnight. This morning he is completely lethargic. He won’t get up from his spot and keeps sleeping. He seems almost lifeless and barely responsive.

Why is my cat vomiting and acting lethargic?

Vomiting and lethargy can be symptoms of a serious infection or injury, especially when accompanied by growling when touched and/or fever. Thomas: If her condition has improved and she’s acting more like herself, then read on.

Why does my cat have a fever and is lethargic?

Heavy worm burdens can affect your cat’s digestive and immune systems. If your cat is showing signs of infection along with lethargy and/or fever you should contact your veterinarian to have them examined.

What to do if your cat vomits a hairball?

Dahlia: If your cat vomited a hairball, give her a petroleum jelly-based lubricant such as Petromalt or Laxatone to help grease up any remaining hairballs so they can pass through the digestive system. Follow the directions on the package.

What causes lethargy in cats and what to do about it?

Other more serious conditions that are common in cats and cause lethargy are: Diabetes. Viral infections such as feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) or feline leukemia virus (FeLV) Bacterial infection. Abscesses from bites by other cats. Musculoskeletal injury. Heartworm. Anemia.

When to take a lethargic cat to the vet?

Lethargy is a symptom of cats with ketoacidosis, which occurs in advanced cases of diabetes. If your cat has diabetes and becomes extremely lethargic, take him or her to the veterinarian immediately as this requires treatment right away.

What to do if your cat vomits for two days in a row?

Hairballs that are not vomited up can cause a bowel obstruction. Surgery is required to remove the obstruction. If your cat vomits for two days in a row, call your veterinarian. They will determine if your cat should be examined. You may be able to treat your cat at home. The treatment for your cat’s vomiting depends on the underlying cause.

Why is my Cat throwing up all the time?

If your cat is vomiting frequently, it could be from a simple issue such as hairballs. It could indicate your cat has eaten a toxic substance or has a serious illness. Whatever reason you suspect, see your vet as soon as possible.

What causes a dog or cat to be lethargic?

Bourquin believes that a permanent absence of a loved one – either a human or another animal — can leave a dog or cat feeling depressed and, thus, lethargic. This can last for a few days or, depending on how close the animal was to the deceased, can change behavior long-term.

My 5 year old male cat was fine yesterday morning. However something must have taken effect overnight. This morning he is completely lethargic. He won’t get up from his spot and keeps sleeping. He seems almost lifeless and barely responsive.

Where does a lethargic cat hide in the House?

Many lethargic cats will hide in a quiet dark place such as under the bed or in a closet. They tend to prefer areas away from people and other pets. Lethargy is not a form of illness itself. Instead, it is usually a symptom of a health condition.

What can be done about lethargy in cats?

Treatment of Lethargy in Cats. Treatment of lethargy will depend on the identified cause. General treatment of the symptom lethargy often includes an improved diet and supplements, such as iron supplements for anemia.

What causes a cat to be lethargic at night?

Less common but serious conditions that could cause lethargy in your cat are: Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical upon presentation of a lethargic cat. Diagnosis is complicated as there are many possible causes of lethargy in cats which range from mild to severe, as lethargy is a symptom of most illnesses and disorders.

Can a lethargic dog be a problem?

Even healthy dogs and cats can appear lethargic, according to Boston Veterinary Clinic owner Dr. Brian Bourquin, any increased signs of inactivity in your pet can be indicative of a larger problem.

Less common but serious conditions that could cause lethargy in your cat are: Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical upon presentation of a lethargic cat. Diagnosis is complicated as there are many possible causes of lethargy in cats which range from mild to severe, as lethargy is a symptom of most illnesses and disorders.

Why did my cat act sick after a vet visit?

For a couple of days after her visit, these changes in her demeanor seemed so profound — and so in-line with that of a cat suddenly much older than her ten years — that I worried that actions I had taken had stolen a large slice of her short life away, and I felt terribly guilty.

What to do if your cat is lethargic after a bite?

Obesity: The right combination of diet and exercise can help your cat combat obesity—and the accompanying low energy levels. Rabies: The third and final stage of rabies, before death, is called the paralytic stage—occurring usually a week after a bite from an infected animal, and can look similar to lethargy.

What happens when a dog bites a vet?

No matter how safe we may feel in our everyday working lives, clinical veterinary workers are never immune to the reality of bite wounds. Whether we work with dogs, cats, horses, cows, monkeys or mice, we risk teeth marks every time we interact with our patients.

What does it mean when a kitten is lethargic?

Young cats and kittens are normally hugely playful, with abundant energy, so when a kitten becomes lethargic it is a cause of concern. As cats age, their energy slows down. They tend to sleep more and enjoy the good things in life, such as sun bathing and watching the world go by.

When to seek medical attention after a cat bite?

If you suffer from a compromised immune system due to an existing medical condition, you must seek medical attention if a cat bites you. According to, symptoms include: Cat-scratch fever symptoms typically occur three to thirty days after the bite, with most cases developing in the first one to two weeks.

How is my cat doing in the morning?

This morning he is completely lethargic. He won’t get up from his spot and keeps sleeping. He seems almost lifeless and barely responsive. I would set him on his feet to have a feel of his ribs and stomach, checked his limbs, mouth, ears and they seem fine ( from what I can).

When does a male cat start spraying the yard?

When your male cat reaches sexual maturity, he’s likely to start spraying your home and yard with stinky urine to establish his turf and ward off strange males. In rare instances, males don’t spray, but most will start sooner rather than later if they remain intact.

What does it mean when your cat has lethargy?

Lethargy is a state of drowsiness, inactivity, or indifference in which there are delayed responses to external stimuli such as auditory (sound), visual (sight), or tactile (touch) stimuli. Lethargy is a nonspecific sign associated with many possible underlying systemic disorders.

Are there symptoms you should never ignore in Your Cat?

There are serious symptoms that should never be ignored in your cat. A symptom is defined as “any problem that can indicate an underlying disease” and may be your first clue to the presence of a life-threatening problem in your cat. Here is a list of 16 symptoms that should never be ignored if you see them from your cat! 1.

Why are male cats more standoffish than females?

In addition, coating hair in saliva is an important way of losing heat in hot weather. However, when it comes to grooming cats other than themselves, males are more standoffish than females. Males do not usually consider mutually grooming another male and are more likely to wash the head and shoulders of a favored female cat.

What makes an older cat tired and lethargic?

Older cats are prone to chronic kidney disease or failure. This disease is a progressive loss of kidney function and often cats appear weak, frail, or tired and sometimes vomit, drink more than normal, or urinate more than normal. Liver and gall bladder diseases can also make cats sick and lethargic.

When to take your cat to the vet?

If your cat is looking listless and is experiencing any of the symptoms below, it’s time to visit the vet. Anemia: Look for pale gums and listlessness, which can result from anemic cats having too few red blood cells to deliver oxygen to their bodies’ tissues.

What’s the best thing to do for a sick cat?

If they haven’t managed to sort the problem out in four days, they need help. The best help, that supports a healthy cat’s best efforts, that helps to transform a sick cat into a healthy one, without toxic medication, is homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy can revive even the sickest cat, where veterinary care fails.

Try to ensure it is safe. If you have all these factors covered, then if your cat is lethargic, and there is no obvious reason that requires immediate attention, then give your cat some time (quiet) to see if they can heal themselves. One vet told me four days was a good bench mark to go by.

Older cats are prone to chronic kidney disease or failure. This disease is a progressive loss of kidney function and often cats appear weak, frail, or tired and sometimes vomit, drink more than normal, or urinate more than normal. Liver and gall bladder diseases can also make cats sick and lethargic.

If your cat is looking listless and is experiencing any of the symptoms below, it’s time to visit the vet. Anemia: Look for pale gums and listlessness, which can result from anemic cats having too few red blood cells to deliver oxygen to their bodies’ tissues.

What happens when a cat is sick for a long time?

Sick cats usually become withdrawn and may hide, although this does depend on the personality of the individual cat. Some cats become more clingy or demanding of attention, while others just become cranky. As a general rule, cats that are sick will have lower energy levels.

Why are cats not allowed to go outside?

For cats allowed to roam outdoors, danger lurks at every corner. Traffic, poisons, disease, run-ins with other animals-the list goes on. Outdoor cats also represent a major threat to wildlife in urban, suburban, and even rural areas.

What should I do with my indoor cat?

One way to enrich the lives of indoor cats is to offer them safe experiences outside, either by walking them with a specialized harness and leash or by providing them a secure outdoor enclosure off the house or in the yard. Enclosures range from the simple to the sublime.

Where can I buy an outdoor cat box?

Window boxes can be ordered from the listed sources: The Cat’s Den. Commercial kits for outdoor cat window boxes. Cats With An Altitude. Handcrafted window patio enclosures. Several online and neighborhood pet supply stores carry a variety of window boxes and perches as well. Kritter Community.

Is it safe for a cat to stay outside at night?

Most vets will recommend keeping your cat indoors, but if you do want your cat to stay outdoors, make sure your pet is safe by keeping up with all scheduled vaccinations, parasite prevention, and bringing your outdoor cat indoors at night.

Many lethargic cats will hide in a quiet dark place such as under the bed or in a closet. They tend to prefer areas away from people and other pets. Lethargy is not a form of illness itself. Instead, it is usually a symptom of a health condition.

What are the dangers of having an outdoor cat?

Most problems, such as getting hit by a car or having a wild animal like a coyote after them — it seems most of the problems occur at night,” says Bernadine Cruz, DVM, associate veterinarian at the Laguna Hills Animal Hospital in Laguna Hills, CA, and member of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

How to know if your cat has a breathing problem?

Breathing problems in cats can be hard to recognize at first. Symptoms to watch out for are heaving sides, breathing with the mouth open, coughing, wheezing, abnormal respiratory noises, and the catch-all appearance of “breathing funny.” 2. Abnormal urination in male cats

Why is my cat’s mouth open but not breathing?

There is no panting now and her breathing is more even but her mouth is still open with her tongue just peeking out. Gertie spent quite a bit of time at the emergency vet today and was quite stressed while we were there. I am going to monitor her and see if when she wakes up she will drink anything, even some water would make me feel better.

What to do if your cat has swallowed something?

If there’s ANY chance that she could have swallowed a foreign object, then get her to an ER, as her intestine could block, or perferate, which could be fatal. The safe thing is of course to contact a good vet ASAP. At the very latest in the morning.

Why does my cat have a Shallow Breath?

The air travels into your cat’s lungs and is used to oxygenate the blood, which is then circulated throughout your cat’s vital organs. When a cat is suffering from rapid breathing, this breath rate increases and often becomes irregular, or shallow.

What to do if your cat is struggling to breath?

If your cat is struggling to breath, the veterinarian or veterinary technician may take your cat to the treatment area immediately upon you arriving to provide oxygen and stabilize your cat. Rapid breathing is a symptom of an underlying medical issue and treatment varies depending on severity of illness and diagnosis.

What does it mean when a cat is breathing fast?

If your cat is breathing rapidly, it can be a sign of a variety of issues from stress to heart disease. Cats are generally subtle in showing their caregivers signs of illness so cat caregivers must be especially vigilant to notice symptoms like rapid breathing.

How to treat rapid breathing in cats-the spruce pets?

Antibiotic and anti-inflammatories will be prescribed in cases of infectious or inflammatory illnesses. If your cat is in respiratory distress, it is best to be as calm as possible. If traveling is stressful for your cat, your veterinarian will be able to best advise you how to transport your cat.

How old is my 4 year old cat?

My 4 year old cat is extremely active and playful. When I got home from work today she was acting like herself – ready to play. A few hours later, her behavior completely changed. She became very lethargic and sickly looking.

Is there such a thing as lethargy in cats?

Lethargy is a symptom in itself and is characterized primarily by the following: In addition, there may be specific symptoms present that are indicative of a specific medical disease or condition. Cats sleep a lot by nature, however, excessive sleep or inactivity could be a sign of illness.

Why is my 16 year old cat not eating?

Our 16-year-old cat, Pebbles, started to get “picky” about her food a month ago and started to lose weight. We took her to the vet, and after a blood test that showed no health concern, the vet asked for poop sample to have it tested. The cat was isolated because we have three more cats, but she did not poop.

Is it normal for a cat to die of old age?

Indications a Cat Is Dying of Old Age. It is not so much old age, but more typically the complications associated with failing organ systems, that kill a cat. These types of diseases are more common during the feline geriatric years. The symptoms of aging and death are similar.

Your cat needs to be seen by a vet as soon as possible for an exam and labwork so that he can be treated for his ailment right away. Not eating is a serious matter in cats. They cannot go more than a… Our cat will not eat or drink and she is lethargic. Not eating is a serious matter in cats.

Can a veterinarian diagnose a lethargic cat?

Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical upon presentation of a lethargic cat. Diagnosis is complicated as there are many possible causes of lethargy in cats which range from mild to severe, as lethargy is a symptom of most illnesses and disorders.

Is there a cure for lethargy in cats?

Diagnosis is complicated as there are many possible causes of lethargy in cats which range from mild to severe, as lethargy is a symptom of most illnesses and disorders. Your veterinarian will require a complete medical history of your cat including detailed description of symptoms in order to narrow down a possible cause.