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What would make a cat not want to drink water?

What would make a cat not want to drink water?

When Your Cat Doesn’t Seem to Want to Drink Water… Serve a more moist diet. Wet food contains a good amount of water, so swapping out kibble for canned food, stews, or dehydrated food can make a big difference in their water intake.

What to do if your cat is not eating or drinking?

1 Provide a calm, safe and stress free environment. 2 Opt for a cat water fountain. Some cats will only drink running water. 3 Call the vet if all else fails.

Why does my cat not drink enough water?

Older cats may dry out more quickly, but young healthy cats don’t seem to need much. For every kilogram your cat weighs she needs 20-40 milliliters of water. They will drink only clean, clear water so make sure to serve it in dishes that adequately display how clean the water is. 3. Overfeeding

Why does my cat refuse to eat anything?

Some cats will develop a food aversion, most commonly after an illness or hospital stay. Such cats associate a particular food with feeling sick or with the stress of hospitalization, and then refuse to eat that food. It may require some ingenuity and trial and error to discover what your cat is willing to eat if a food aversion develops.

Why does my cat not smell its food?

If an upper respiratory disease has caused your cat to be congested and unable to smell its food, help your pet clear its nasal passages. Take your cat into a steamy bathroom or if you can, put saline drops in its nostrils. This breaks up the nasal discharge and helps your cat breathe easily so it can once again smell its food.

Why does my cat drink so much water?

Therefore, the amount of water your cat needs varies with the food she eats and her environment. The committee notes that cats usually drink about an ounce of water for every half ounce of dry food they eat. Wet food, on the other hand, provides your kitty with food and moisture at once and can help her stay hydrated.

1 Provide a calm, safe and stress free environment. 2 Opt for a cat water fountain. Some cats will only drink running water. 3 Call the vet if all else fails.

How can I get my sick cat to drink water?

Convincing a cat to drink can be more challenging as most cats teeter on the brink of dehydration when healthy. Cats are also fussy about drinking water. As hydration is so important to sick cats, you must persevere. Tips to encourage the drinking of water include: Leave water bowls throughout the house. Half-fill the bowls.

How long can a sick cat go without food and water?

A sick cat can go without food and water for a few days at best. If your cat is ill, then immediate action is required before it becomes a life-threatening situation. While it’s natural for cats to grow finicky and refuse food and water from time-to-time, prolonged refusal is abnormal.