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Why is my 10 year old not gaining weight?

Why is my 10 year old not gaining weight?

When growing kids don’t gain weight as they should, it is called “failure to thrive.” Failure to thrive is not a disease or disorder itself. Rather, it’s a sign that a child is undernourished. In general, kids who fail to thrive are not getting enough calories to grow and gain weight in a healthy way.

How can an overweight 10 year old lose weight?


  1. Cut back on processed and fast foods. They tend to be higher in calories and fat.
  2. Don’t serve sugary drinks. Swap soda, juice, and sports drinks for water and skim or low-fat milk.
  3. Encourage good eating habits.
  4. Make small changes.

Why does my daughter keep losing weight?

Hyperthyroidism – With this condition, the thyroid gland produces too much of the thyroid hormone. This can impacts a child’s metabolism and lead to weight loss. Parasites – A parasitic infection can lead to weight loss due to chronic digestive issues, autoimmune disorders or protein-calorie malnutrition.

What causes slow growth in a child?

A growth delay occurs when a child isn’t growing at the normal rate for their age. The delay may be caused by an underlying health condition, such as growth hormone deficiency or hypothyroidism. In some cases, early treatment can help a child reach a normal or near-normal height.

How can I increase my child’s weight?

There are a few steps you can take to increase your child’s calorie intake until they reach a healthy weight, while still providing a healthy diet.

  1. bulk up mashed potato by putting milk or cheese in it.
  2. put grated cheese on beans on toast.
  3. make milk puddings.
  4. make soups with milk instead of water.

Should a 12 year old worry about losing weight?

When You Should Be Concerned As a rule of thumb, your child should stay around the same weight percentile that they’ve always been in. If that statistic drops substantially, or if your child is losing weight without any changes in diet or exercise levels, it’s time to talk to your doctor.

How do I know if my child needs growth hormone?

The main sign of GH deficiency is slow height growth each year after a child’s 3rd birthday. This means grow in height of less than 3.5 cm (about 1.4 inches) a year. A child with GH deficiency may also have: A younger-looking face.

How do you know if you stunted your growth?

Stunting is the impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. Children are defined as stunted if their height-for-age is more than two standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth Standards median.