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Can house plants be poisonous to cats?

Can house plants be poisonous to cats?

Aloe Vera. Aloe vera plants are a staple in many homes and gained popularity thanks to the medicinal properties of the gel from their leaves. While Aloe may have therapeutic properties for humans, it is toxic to cats and can cause lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea if ingested.

What should I do if my cat eats my houseplants?

We all know you spoil your furry prince or princess anyway. If your cat is repeatedly chewing on your houseplants, give him/her cat grass so he/she leaves the rest of your plants alone. Research shows that cats have a tendency to chew on grass even if they do not consume them.

What happens if a cat eats a poisonous plant?

Not all of them will prove fatal if eaten or chewed, but some most definitely can kill your much loved cat. Never assume a cat will instinctively try not to eat a poisonous plant, as all too often cats end up being rushed to the vet suffering from poisoning as a result of chewing on or eating poisonous houseplants.

What should I do if my cat eats my grass?

However, if you observe your cat eating your plants regularly and also notice a change in his/ her appetite, it is better you consult your vet immediately. Like any other animal in the wild, cats have the instinctive knowledge to chew on grass or specific plants when they are in digestive distress.

Are there any indoor plants that are safe for cats?

These are great low light indoor plants safe for cats. It likes humidity and moist soils but can put up with the odd dry spell. It doesn’t flower but offers abundant greenery. An ideal bathroom plant. This rattlesnake is not venomous to cats, dogs or humans!

We all know you spoil your furry prince or princess anyway. If your cat is repeatedly chewing on your houseplants, give him/her cat grass so he/she leaves the rest of your plants alone. Research shows that cats have a tendency to chew on grass even if they do not consume them.

Not all of them will prove fatal if eaten or chewed, but some most definitely can kill your much loved cat. Never assume a cat will instinctively try not to eat a poisonous plant, as all too often cats end up being rushed to the vet suffering from poisoning as a result of chewing on or eating poisonous houseplants.

However, if you observe your cat eating your plants regularly and also notice a change in his/ her appetite, it is better you consult your vet immediately. Like any other animal in the wild, cats have the instinctive knowledge to chew on grass or specific plants when they are in digestive distress.

What kind of plants do cats like to eat?

Other common houseplants that cats like to chew on are Dieffenbachia or philodendron. These plants contain insoluble calcium oxalate—not soluble calcium oxalate (like so many websites erroneously mention) which causes oral pain when chewed on.