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Do cats with FIP have an appetite?

Do cats with FIP have an appetite?

Most cats with FIP are seen by a veterinarian for weight loss, poor appetite and lethargy. In cats with the wet form of FIP, they may have a distended abdomen, which is full of fluid.

How long can a cat with dry FIP live?

FIP typically runs a course of a few days to a few weeks before the cat succumbs to the disease. But, adult cats with the wet form may linger for six to eight months and cats with the dry form may survive a year or more.

How can you tell if a cat has FIP?

One test (e.g., a real-time PCR assay) measures the level of viral mRNA in immune cells of cats, but this test is still not confirmatory for FIP 100%. If a cat has high viral loads in the blood, then it is highly suggestive of FIP, especially in the end stage. However, high viral loads in the blood are also found in healthy cats.

Can a FIP test be used to diagnose FCoV?

What is sometimes referred to (incorrectly) as an “FIP test” measures the cat’s exposure to FCoV. Ninety five percent of cats in the world have been exposed to FCoV. These titer tests are NOT conclusive. A positive titer for FCoV does NOT indicate that the cat has FIP.

What kind of cats are at risk for FIP?

Other purebred cats, such as Burmese, Exotic Shorthairs, Manxes, Persians, Russian Blues and Siamese, are at no extra risk from FIP. Overall, Feline Infectious Peritonitis is thought to kill about 1% of cats worldwide.

Can a positive titer for FIP be conclusive?

What is sometimes referred to (incorrectly) as an “FIP test” measures the cat’s exposure to FCoV. Ninety five percent of cats in the world have been exposed to FCoV. These titer tests are NOT conclusive. A positive titer for FCoV is NOT an indicator that the cat has FIP.

Is it possible to diagnose a cat with FIP?

It is imperative that you arm yourself with as much information as possible, so you can best advocate for your cat and get a correct diagnosis. If there is a presumptive diagnosis of FIP, it is also possible to use GS diagnostically. GS will only treat FIP; therefore, if the cat improves while on GS, the diagnosis is confirmed.

Can a cat with FIP survive a PCR?

If a PCR is sent out, a positive result is a conclusive diagnosis; however, a negative result does not rule out FIP since there is a 30% chance of a false negative. If the cat has a partial immune response to FCoV, he or she will develop Dry FIP.

What is sometimes referred to (incorrectly) as an “FIP test” measures the cat’s exposure to FCoV. Ninety five percent of cats in the world have been exposed to FCoV. These titer tests are NOT conclusive. A positive titer for FCoV does NOT indicate that the cat has FIP.

What is sometimes referred to (incorrectly) as an “FIP test” measures the cat’s exposure to FCoV. Ninety five percent of cats in the world have been exposed to FCoV. These titer tests are NOT conclusive. A positive titer for FCoV is NOT an indicator that the cat has FIP.