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Is it common for cats to have neurological problems?

Is it common for cats to have neurological problems?

Neurological problems with cats are not uncommon, especially as they get older. In this post we’ll take a look at some of the more common neurological disorders your cat may develop. Plus, signs to look out for and when to take your cat to the vet.

What are the different types of brain disorders in cats?

There are several different types of neurological disorders that can occur in cats. Below are some of the most common that affect domestic cats: Infections caused by viruses or bacteria. Metabolic disorders. Tumors in the brain or nervous system. Epilepsy.

What causes a cat’s back legs to stop working?

Diabetes, organ failure, and neurological problems can cause the gradual weakening of a cat’s rear legs. If your cat’s hind legs suddenly stopped working, this can sometimes be a sign of a blood clot, infection, or stroke.

What kind of diseases can a cat have?

From cancer to birth defects, several types of disease can affect the nervous system of cats, including autoimmune disorders, inherited diseases (such as hydranencephaly or spina bifida), toxic disorders (such as infections from ticks), or viral diseases. Find out some of the common neurologically related disorders that can occur in cats.

How to tell if your cat has a neurologic disorder?

The signs that your cat may be suffering from a neurologic disorder include: reluctance or refusal to use its litter box; altering the way it interacts with its owner and others; and a noticeable change in its gait and apparent sense of balance. An affected cat, says Dr. Dewey, may suddenly “flop down and flail around. It may walk in circles.

Why does my cat have so many behavioral problems?

Since a variety of medical problems, including painful conditions, neurologic diseases and dermatologic disorders can cause many of these signs; an extensive diagnostic workup may be needed to rule out underlying medical problems.

What kind of compulsive disorder does a cat have?

As with other compulsive disorders, feline psychogenic alopecia may begin as a displacement behavior arising from situations of conflict, frustration or anxiety, but might in time become compulsive.

What are the signs of brain damage in cats?

Signs identified during this evaluation indicate an injury or disease of the brain. Signs of damage to the cerebrum and brain stem can include mental deterioration, constant pacing, seizures, depression, coma, or a head turn or circling in one direction.