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What does it mean when a cat has a mass?

What does it mean when a cat has a mass?

The lesion in question sounds like a mass. Unfortunately, in a 9- or 10-year-old cat, such a mass will likely be an enlarged lymph node caused by lymphoma, a blood and immune system cancer that is the most common cancer I see in cats. Sadly, it is usually aggressive and dangerous.

Is it normal for cats to lose muscle mass on their hind legs?

Losing muscle mass on its hind legs is normal for some older cats especially with a poor lifestyle. They tend to be picky on their food because they only eat that which they can chew which may result in an improper diet. They also tend to become less active and refuse to do muscle-building activities like they used to do.

What does it mean when a cat has a dirty margin?

“Dirty” margins describe tumor cells that extend to the edge of the removed tissue, indicating that tumor cells still remain in the cat’s body. “Narrow” margins describe tumor cells close to—but not at—the edge, indicating that tumor cells could possibly be left behind at the surgical site.

What does it mean when a cat has a lump in the middle?

If you notice your cat seems feverish or unwell and has a lump with a scab in the middle, it is likely an abscess. Abscesses are bacterial infections. While they are usually not too dangerous, it’s best to have a vet look at them.

What kind of tumor does a longhair cat have?

A benign growth of these cells is a basal cell tumor. A malignant growth is a basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell tumors are common in older cats. Domestic longhair, Himalayan, and Persian are the breeds most at risk. Tumors may develop almost anywhere on the body. These tumors generally appear as firm, solitary, often hairless or ulcerated lumps.

“Dirty” margins describe tumor cells that extend to the edge of the removed tissue, indicating that tumor cells still remain in the cat’s body. “Narrow” margins describe tumor cells close to—but not at—the edge, indicating that tumor cells could possibly be left behind at the surgical site.

What happens if a cat has open Hock luxation?

Cats with obvious gait abnormalities due to an open hock luxation for example may have other more proximal injuries such as femoral head and neck fractures or a dislocated hip that may be missed if a thorough examination is not performed.

What causes stiffness in the hind leg of a cat?

Patellar luxation should be considered as a cause of hind limb lameness in cats. It is generally seen in young cats and clinical signs vary from stiffness, reluctance to jump, unilateral hind limb lameness to marked reluctance to bear weight on either hind limb.

A benign growth of these cells is a basal cell tumor. A malignant growth is a basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell tumors are common in older cats. Domestic longhair, Himalayan, and Persian are the breeds most at risk. Tumors may develop almost anywhere on the body. These tumors generally appear as firm, solitary, often hairless or ulcerated lumps.