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What does it mean when you have watery discharge in your vagina?

What does it mean when you have watery discharge in your vagina?

Watery vaginal discharge is usually a clear or translucent fluid. Glands inside your vagina and cervix create vaginal discharge to carry away dead cells and bacteria.

What does it look like when you have a lot of discharge?

Normal discharge, or leukorrhea, is thin and clear, has the consistency of an egg white, a mild smell, and does not soak right through a liner. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of these unusual types of discharge, particularly if accompanied by cramps and especially during pregnancy:

Is it normal to have watery discharge after a douche?

You need the healthy “good” bacteria in your vagina to fight off infections. When you douche, these good bacteria get washed away, and the vaginal walls become susceptible to infection. Watery discharge can be uncomfortable, but it’s usually harmless.

Why does my labrador retriever have watery eyes?

However, if the discharge is watery, discolored or bloody, then it’s not normal and it could be a sign of eye disease. Eye discharge may be caused by an obstruction of the tear drainage caused by an abnormal tear duct or a tear in theopenings.

Watery vaginal discharge is usually a clear or translucent fluid. Glands inside your vagina and cervix create vaginal discharge to carry away dead cells and bacteria.

Normal discharge, or leukorrhea, is thin and clear, has the consistency of an egg white, a mild smell, and does not soak right through a liner. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of these unusual types of discharge, particularly if accompanied by cramps and especially during pregnancy:

Why does my labrador retriever have discharge in her eye?

Other causes of eye discharge are diseases like keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, corneal ulcers, glaucoma, lens luxation, keratoconjunctivitis sicca or uveitis. If you see this problem with your dog you should clean the eye gently with a warm moist cloth. Visit your vet immediately for accurate diagnosis and proper medication.

What kind of discharge does a dog have?

Overview of Vaginal Discharge in Dogs. Vaginal discharge is the appearance of liquid material (other than urine) from the labia of the vulva (the external female genitals ). Vaginal discharge may be clear and watery (serous), bloody, thick and gray (mucousy), yellow/green (purulent), or dark green/black (after giving birth).