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What happens if your cat eats an anthurium plant?

What happens if your cat eats an anthurium plant?

My cat ate a bit of the Anthurium plant I bought yesterday. The Anthurium plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals which can be very irritating to the mouth, throat, and GI tract.

What should I name my 15 pound tabby cat?

You certainly wouldn’t give a 15-pound tabby cat a name like “Tiny”, that’s just not a great descriptor. At the same time, you probably wouldn’t name a skinny and frail tabby cat “Hercules” as that’s quite the contrary. All jokes aside, the name really needs to make sense all around. A good cat name speaks to the character of the cat.

What kind of coat does a tabby cat have?

Tabby cats are already known for their distinct coat patterns. From stripes to spots, to agouti hairs, they can sport all sorts of unique displays. Then there are some tabby cats who are bi-color which adds to their personality.

What kind of effects does Anthurium have on the body?

The Anthurium plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals which can be very irritating to the mouth, throat, and GI tract. Monitor for drooling, pawing or rubbing at the face or mouth, swelling of the lips or tongue, oral irritation, vocalization, vomiting, difficulty swallowing or airway obstruction.

What happens if you give your cat Anthurium?

If Kitty samples anthurium, his mouth and tongue will soon hurt. You might notice him pawing at this face, drooling, meowing in pain or throwing up. In severe cases, he could develop breathing issues because his throat has swollen shut. Swelling of the lips and tongue usually occurs. Seek immediate veterinary care.

What’s the average weight of an adult tabby cat?

The average adult cat can get up to around 8 – 12 pounds in weight. Some breeds weigh less, and some breeds weigh considerably more. In general, female cats will weigh less than male cats on average. Male cats typically weigh 2 – 4 pounds heavier than their female counterparts.

Tabby cats can have any coat color. Tabby cats can have a wide variety of coat colors, including brown, gray, cream, and orange. The most commonly occurring are black-based coats.

What should I name my male tabby cat?

Male tabby cats especially have a lot of character, so the name you choose for them really does matter. If you’re in need of some inspiration for your cat then you’ve come to the right place. Below is a complete list of the 118 best male cat names. These names work perfectly for any breed or coat pattern of a male cat.