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What should I feed my cat with HCM?

What should I feed my cat with HCM?

Canola and flaxseed oils do not contain preformed EPA and DHA and require conversion from shorter chain omega-3 fats. Cats lack the ability to effectively make that conversion, so fish oil supplementation is the preferred choice for cats with HCM.

Is there a cure for HCM in cats?

Although HCM has no known cure, a specialized care plan can help manage clinical signs of the condition in your cat. Treatment goals include controlling the heart rate, alleviating lung congestion (congestive heart failure), and preventing the formation of blood clots that can lead to thromboembolism.

What happens to the heart of a cat with HCM?

In a cat with HCM, the heart’s left ventricle (its primary “pump muscle”) is thickened, leading to a decrease in the volume of the heart chamber and to abnormal relaxation of the heart muscle. These changes can cause the heart to beat rapidly, resulting in increased oxygen usage and possibly to oxygen starvation of the heart muscle.

What kind of medication can I take for HCM?

Medication can help manage HCM, and can be administered orally to stable patients or by injection in more serious situations. Other drugs, such as nitroglycerine, may be applied to the cat’s skin for absorption. Unfortunately, no therapy has been shown to prevent the progression of HCM when started before clinical signs are observed.

Is there a cure for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats?

Since hypertrophic cardiomyopathy cannot be cured, the goal of treatment is to keep the heart rate normal, prevent blood clots from forming inside your cat, and make it easy for your cat to breathe. While this is more of a management plan than a treatment plan, it’s the best option until a cure or further research has been done.

Although HCM has no known cure, a specialized care plan can help manage clinical signs of the condition in your cat. Treatment goals include controlling the heart rate, alleviating lung congestion (congestive heart failure), and preventing the formation of blood clots that can lead to thromboembolism.

In a cat with HCM, the heart’s left ventricle (its primary “pump muscle”) is thickened, leading to a decrease in the volume of the heart chamber and to abnormal relaxation of the heart muscle. These changes can cause the heart to beat rapidly, resulting in increased oxygen usage and possibly to oxygen starvation of the heart muscle.

What can I give my Cat for heart failure?

Diltiazem, atenolol, and ACE inhibitors are commonly administered to cats with mild to severe HCM that are not in heart failure on an empirical basis.

Can a cat with HCM be used for breeding?

There is no real way of preventing a cat from developing HCM although careful breeding goes a long way in preventing this genetic disorder being passed down on to any offspring. Cats with the condition should never be used for breeding purposes for this reason. Do you like this article? Have something to say? Then leave your comments.