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When do kittens get their first distemper shot?

When do kittens get their first distemper shot?

AAFP’s recommendation is to begin vaccinating a kitten for distemper as early as six weeks of age, boostering or repeating the vaccine every three to four weeks until the kitten is sixteen weeks of age, then boostering again one year from the last booster.

How often should I give my kitten a distemper shot?

In general, vaccinations are recommended for young kittens at 8–9 weeks of age, with a second vaccine given 3–4 weeks later. A third vaccine is often given between 14–16 weeks of age. A booster vaccination is then given 6 – 12 months later, with further booster shots every 1 – 3 years depending on the cats’ needs.

How often should I give my kitten FVRCP?

The vaccination schedule for FVRCP can begin as early as 6 weeks of age. Kittens are vaccinated once every three to four weeks until they reach 16 weeks of age or older.

How often should I give my kitten a rabies shot?

Kittens are vaccinated once every three to four weeks until they reach 16 weeks of age or older. However, to avoid over-vaccination, most veterinarians will recommend starting the vaccine at 8 weeks of age, followed by boosters at 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. Rabies is the other core kitten vaccination.

How old do cats have to be to get distemper?

Feline Distemper, or Feline Panleukopenia, is a highly contagious disease caused by the Feline Panleukopenia virus, with a high mortality rate for unvaccinated cats, especially kittens aged between 2 and 5 months.

When do I give my kitten his shots?

These include rabies, feline distemper (panleukopenia virus), feline calicivirus, and feline rhinotracheitis (herpes virus). Your kitten will receive these in a series of shots between the ages of six to 20 weeks.

What happens to a kitten with feline distemper?

Symptoms: Kittens with feline distemper are usually deathly ill, suffering from vomiting, lack of appetite, and a horrible, mucusy white diarrhea. Treatment: Kittens suffering from feline distemper need to be hospitalized and isolated so they don’t transmit this virus.

When to give MLV fractions to kittens?

MLV fractions for rapid immunity, making them a good choice for kitten shots for cats at least several months old Indications: for subcutaneous vaccination of healthy cats, eight weeks of age or older, as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by feline rhinotracheitis, calici and panleukopenia (feline distemper) viruses.

Can a 10 year old cat get a booster shot?

Likewise, geriatric cats (over 10 years old) may be better off without receiving additional booster shots, to avoid putting stress on their immune systems. Your vet may also advise against vaccinations if your cat has a chronic illness or a compromised immune system (for example, due to cortisone therapy).